IMF Publications by Subject
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Title: Uncertainty, Flexible Exchange Rates, and Agglomeration
Series: Working Paper No. 1998/009
Date: February 1, 1998
Subject: Balance of payments Exchange rate flexibility Exchange rates Foreign direct investment Foreign exchange Industrial production Nominal effective exchange rate Production
Title: Staff Studies for the World Economic Outlook, 1997
Series: World Economic and Financial Surveys No. 1997/001
Date: January 16, 1998
Subject: Economic forecasting Inflation Labor Potential output Prices Production Wages
Title: The Impact of Fiscal Policy Variables on Output Growth
Series: Working Paper No. 1998/001
Date: January 1, 1998
Subject: Expenditure Income Labor Labor supply National accounts Production Production growth
Title: IMF Estimates of Potential Output: Theory and Practice
Series: Working Paper No. 1997/177
Date: December 1, 1997
Subject: Labor Output gap Potential output Production Production growth Total factor productivity
Title: The Economy of the Middle East and North Africa in 1997
Series: Books
Date: November 11, 1997
Subject: Commodities Economic sectors Financial markets Natural gas sector Oil Oil prices Oil production Prices Production Stock markets
Title: Competitiveness in Transition Economies: What Scope for Real Appreciation?
Series: Working Paper No. 1997/149
Date: November 1, 1997
Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 45, No. 2, June 1998.
Subject: Competition Financial markets Foreign exchange Human capital Labor Production Productivity Real exchange rates Wages
Title: Nominal Income and the Inflation-Growth Divide
Series: Working Paper No. 1997/147
Date: November 1, 1997
Subject: Inflation Labor National accounts Personal income Potential output Prices Production Production growth Wages
Title: United States: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 1997/097
Date: October 31, 1997
Subject: Financial institutions Labor Labor productivity Production Productivity Securities Total factor productivity
Title: Macroeconomic Cycles in China
Series: Working Paper No. 1997/135
Date: October 1, 1997
Subject: Credit Inflation Output gap Potential output Price adjustments Price controls Prices Production
Title: Contagion and Volatility with Imperfect Credit Markets
Series: Working Paper No. 1997/127
Date: October 1, 1997
Notes: Also published in Staff Papers, Vol. 45, No. 2, June 1998.
Subject: Bank credit Banking Capital markets Employment Financial institutions Financial markets Labor Loans Money Production Productivity