IMF Publications by Subject
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Migrant labor:
Title: Remittances in Pakistan: Why have they gone up, and why Aren't they coming down?
Series: Working Paper No. 2011/200
Date: August 1, 2011
Subject: Balance of payments Labor Migrant labor Migration National accounts Outward remittances Population and demographics Remittances Return on investment
Title: Bangladesh: Selected Issues
Series: Country Report No. 2010/056
Date: February 25, 2010
Subject: Balance of payments Current account Current account balance Foreign exchange Labor Migrant labor Real effective exchange rates Remittances
Title: Do Remittances to Latin America Depend on the U.S. Business Cycle?
Series: Working Paper No. 2007/273
Date: December 1, 2007
Subject: Business cycles Economic and financial statistics Income Migrant labor Remittances
Title: Business Cycles and Workers' Remittances: How Do Migrant Workers Respond to Cyclical Movements of GDP At Home?
Series: Working Paper No. 2006/052
Date: February 1, 2006
Subject: Balance of payments Business cycles Economic growth Financial sector policy and analysis Income Labor Migrant labor National accounts Procyclicality Remittances