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External debt:


Title: Turkey: Recent Economic Developments

Series: Country Report No. 1995/043

Date: June 8, 1995

Notes: This report on recent economic developments in Turkey was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.

Subject: Banking Commercial banks Economic sectors External debt Financial institutions Foreign exchange Inflation Prices Public sector

Title: Malta: Recent Economic Developments

Series: Country Report No. 1995/052

Date: June 8, 1995

Notes: This report on recent economic developments in Malta was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.

Subject: Banking Commercial banks Economic sectors Exports External debt Financial institutions Imports International trade Public sector

Title: Denmark: Selected Background Issues

Series: Country Report No. 1995/041

Date: June 7, 1995

Notes: This report on selected background issues in Denmark was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.

Subject: Balance of payments Current account Current account deficits Exports External debt Inflation International trade Prices

Title: Policy Experiences and Issues in the Baltics, Russia, and Other Countries of the Former Soviet Union

Author: Citrin, Daniel ; Lahiri, Ashok

Series: Occasional Paper No. 1995/005

Date: June 1, 1995

Notes: Edited by Daniel A. Citrin and Ashok K. Lahiri with Jonathan Anderson, Eduard Brau, Adrienne Cheasty, Richard Hemming, Ernesto Hernandez-Cata, Jeromin Zettelmeyer.

Subject: Arrears Exchange rates External debt Foreign exchange Inflation Monetary base Money Prices Taxes Value-added tax

Title: Capital Flows in Central and Eastern Europe: Evidence and Policy Options

Author: Végh Gramont, A. Carlos ; Sahay, Ratna ; Calvo, Guillermo

Series: Working Paper No. 1995/057

Date: June 1, 1995

Notes: Prepared for a seminar on "Western Europe in Transition: The Impact of Opening Up of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union," organized by the Bank of Italy, Austrian National Bank, and the IMF held in Trieste, October 10-11, 1994.

Subject: Balance of payments Capital account Capital flows Capital inflows External debt Foreign exchange Real exchange rates

Title: Jordan: Background Information on Selected Aspects of Adjustment and Growth Strategy

Series: Country Report No. 1995/097

Date: June 1, 1995

Notes: This background paper on Jordan was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country.

Subject: Commercial banks Expenditure External debt Financial institutions Public debt Tariffs Taxes

Title: Australia: Background Material

Series: Country Report No. 1995/029

Date: May 10, 1995

Notes: This background material on Australia was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.

Subject: Banking Expenditure Exports External debt Income Interest payments International trade Labor National accounts Wages

Title: Honduras: Recent Economic Developments

Series: Country Report No. 1995/019

Date: March 14, 1995

Notes: This report on recent economic developments in Honduras was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.

Subject: Banking Commercial banks Economic sectors Exports External debt Financial institutions Foreign exchange International trade Public sector

Title: Trinidad and Tobago: Economic Developments and Selected Background Issues

Series: Country Report No. 1995/016

Date: March 14, 1995

Notes: This report on economic developments and selected background issues in Trinidad and Tobago was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.

Subject: Expenditure External debt Labor Monetary base Money Public debt Public sector Social assistance spending Unemployment

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