Country Reports

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May 8, 2013

Mali: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper-Joint Staff Advisory Note

Description: Mali’s Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategic Paper provides a comprehensive framework for implementing an ambitious growth and poverty reduction agenda. Executive Directors approve the elaboration of GPRSP-3, which will guide the country in its efforts to sustainably reduce poverty. The strategy is both comprehensive and ambitious, and the approach to integrate short-term crisis-related programs within the medium term GPRSP-3 framework is commended. However, the successful implementation hinges critically on full political support and commitment to address key shortcomings.

Notes: Also available in French

May 8, 2013

Morocco: Selected Issues

Description: Morocco has made substantial progress in increasing inclusive growth over the past decade, but additional efforts in terms of growth-enhancing structural reforms are needed. Preserving economic efficiency and fostering growth while strengthening inclusiveness remains a priority. This paper describes the fuel subsidy system in Morocco, introduces an organizing framework to illustrate the trade-offs involved in meeting various economic and social objectives when considering subsidy reform, and highlights some lessons from the international experience in implementing subsidy reforms that may be pertinent to the case of Morocco.

May 8, 2013

Uruguay: 2012 Article IV Consultation

Description: Uruguay’s near-term outlook is positive, but with risks and policy challenges. Medium-term challenges include bolstering the economy’s resilience to shocks and fostering productivity growth. Inflation is a priority and monetary policy cannot fight inflation alone; concerted efforts on other fronts are also necessary. Near-term fiscal policy could better support monetary policy. A long-term policy challenge is to bolster growth prospects and reduce output volatility. The political cycle should be propitious for continued sound policies and progress with reforms.

May 8, 2013

Uruguay: Selected Issues

Description: Uruguay’s inflation and inflation expectations exceed the inflation target, and the gap has been widening in recent years. To help bring it to the mid-point of the target, Banco Central del Uruguay (BCU) needs to maintain a tightening bias in addition to strengthening its communication. This paper examined the factors behind the composition of FDI flows to Uruguay and suggested that strong institutions and macroeconomic stability have helped attract FDI to the secondary and tertiary sectors. Flexibility of the labor market, financial deepening, and the quality of infrastructure can further this improvement.

May 7, 2013

Republic of Kosovo: Third Review Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Request for Waiver of Nonobservance of Criterion

Description: Kosovo’s macroeconomic and financial policies have remained broadly on track. Progress continues to be made toward the key objectives, i.e., restoring a sustainable fiscal position and sufficient government cash buffers, anchoring fiscal policy, and enhancing the resilience of the financial system. Careful preparation of social spending initiatives and fragile political environment remains key. The policies under the program provide the best safeguard to steer the economy through the period ahead, establish confidence in macroeconomic management, and lay the foundations for robust and balanced growth.

April 30, 2013

Niger: Joint Staff Advisory Note on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

Description: Niger’s new Poverty Reduction Strategy (PDES) represents its overarching reference framework for the government’s development agenda. It also proposes changes in policy orientation and institutional arrangements to respond to recent developments in Niger and in the subregion. The PDES was developed in an inclusive participatory process. Overall, it provides a comprehensive analysis of development challenges and a plan to achieve accelerated sustainable growth, identifies key risks to the achievements of the objectives as well as mitigating measures.

Notes: Also available in French

April 30, 2013

Niger: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

Description: Niger understands the need to adopt a long-term strategy capable of optimizing natural and human resources to promote sustainable economic and social development and inclusive growth. The government has renewed planning efforts in the preparation of three principal strategic documents. These three strategic planning tools are complementary, and the government is committed to implementing them so that they interact with each other synergistically while ensuring dynamic linkages between short-, medium-, and long-term programs.

Notes: Also available in French

April 30, 2013

Kenya: Fifth Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility and Request for a Waiver and Modification of Performance Criteria—Staff Report; Staff Supplement; and Press Release

Description: Economic activity in Kenya has remained resilient to uncertainty surrounding the elections, the impact of the European crisis, and security-related concerns. Fiscal policy is in line with the program despite difficulties. International reserves are on the rise, and the deficit of the external current account has shrunk significantly. Key structural reforms to strengthen the institutional framework are under way. A peaceful political transition, strengthened macroeconomic conditions, and structural reforms could unleash Kenya’s growth potential, attract foreign investment, and lay the basis for transforming the country into an emerging-market economy.

April 30, 2013

Niger: 2013 First Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit facility and Request for a Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion-Staff Report; Staff Supplements; and Press Release

Description: Economic activity was buoyant in Niger thanks to a new oil project, contributing to a strengthened external account and a rebound in agricultural production. Economic developments, however, remained vulnerable to climatic shocks and the fragile security situation in the region. Fiscal developments were affected by shortfalls in oil and customs revenue credit to the private sector. The government budget has been made with the objective of maintaining macroeconomic stability while advancing development. The implementation of the financial sector development strategy and poverty reduction strategy is required.

Notes: Also available in French

April 18, 2013

Philippines: Selected Issues

Description: This article is an empirical analysis on tax collections in the Philippines. The tax system is characterized by a rule of tax incentives provided by 13 investment agencies. Tax collections showed regular growth. The GDP ratio increased from 12.1 percent (2009) to 12.8 percent (2012), but the revenue-to-GDP ratio was low to fill large gaps for education, health, and infrastructure; therefore the authorities encompassed the sin taxes (alcohol and tobacco excises). The most important source of income for the Philippines is the labor export. This large-scale labor emigration fetches a sufficient amount of annual inflows of more than 9 percent of GDP.

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