Country Reports

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April 12, 2013

Togo: Technical Assistance Report: Launch of the Project for Strengthening Public Financial Management

Description: This article discusses the mission to strengthen the financial system of the Republic of Togo. The European Union Delegation and the Fiscal Affairs Department of the IMF signed a technical agreement with the Togolese government. According to the project, a communication program and a training strategy was established, and works have begun to improve budget execution, accounting, finance report, cash management, and so on. The purpose of this mission was to evaluate the government's public finance, but it needs some improvements to attain a perfect form.

Notes: Also available in French

April 11, 2013

The Bahamas: 2012 Article IV Consultation

Description: The article highlights the economic condition, fiscal policies, external stability, and financial growth strategy of The Bahamas. The economy of The Bahamas showed gradual growth of about 2.5 percent by 2012, but there were challenges for the country. The nation has to rebuild macroeconomic buffers against external imbalances, regulate nonperforming loans, reduce unemployment, and increase the business sector. This assessment is an analysis of The Bahamas’ recent development and forthcoming plans to encounter global threats.

April 11, 2013

The Bahamas: Financial Sector Stability Assessment

Description: This article is an overview of the structure of the Bahamian financial system. After the financial crisis in the United States, the Bahamian financial structure showed fragile growth. Tourism, the main source of income for the domestic economy, weakened owing to the U.S. crisis. The increase in oil prices was the key reason for the destroyed infrastructure. However, amidst the vulnerabilities, the banking sector showed stability with high capital and liquidity and sustained challenges; the insurance sector also showed significant improvement. The current financial framework needs to be strengthened, and the mission recommends several reforms to handle financial shocks.

April 8, 2013

Mauritius: 2013 Article IV Consultation

Description: The article reviews Mauritius’ developments and its macroeconomic policies for the imminent years. Growth has been flexible in these years but the postglobal crisis period did not show any remarkable developments. The country was heavily dependent on European exports and vulnerable to external shocks. To undergo debt and external sustainability in 2014–15, the authorities are reframing fiscal and monetary policies, restructuring physical infrastructure policies, and pension and labor reforms. The control of excess of liquidity and improvement in national savings will pave the way to reduce inflation pressures and external imbalances.

April 5, 2013

Morocco: 2012 Article IV Consultation and First Review Under the Two-Year Precautionary and Liquidity Line—Staff Report; Public Information Notice and Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Morocco

Description: Morocco’s sound economic performance has been challenged by domestic and external shocks. The Precautionary and Liquidity Line (PLL) program is on track, and its design remains adequate. The fiscal consolidation and efforts to rebuild buffers and address medium-term challenges taken up by the government has been commended. Reforms of both the subsidy system and the pension system are required. There is a need to strengthen competitiveness and better equip the economy to respond to external shocks. Efforts are under way to continue strengthening regulation and supervision while fostering the development of the financial sector.

April 3, 2013

Georgia: First and Second Reviews Under the Stand-By Arrangement and Under the Standby Credit Facility Arrangement, and Request for Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion—Staff Report; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Georgia

Description: The new government is committed to prudent macroeconomic policies and to enhancing Georgia’s business-friendly environment. Large external liabilities plus its high current account deficit remain the main sources of vulnerability, and reducing these in an orderly manner is a key macroeconomic challenge. Greater exchange rate flexibility should help align its monetary policy and exchange rate decisions more closely with its inflation. Maintaining central bank independence and increasing monetary policy transparency are welcomed by the Executive Directors. The impressive structural agenda aims at improving the business environment and at boosting competitiveness.

April 3, 2013

West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU): Staff Report on Common Policies for Member Countries

Description: Military coups that occurred in Guinea-Bissau and Mali caused economic disruption in the WAEMU countries. Regional policies have been in line with the recommendations, and growth is expected to remain robust, risks are on the downside, and the macroeconomic policy is appropriate. Preserving debt sustainability and stability of the Union in the medium term requires better coordination of fiscal policies. Development of the financial system, and strengthening of the regulatory and supervisory framework is necessary to address existing and new risks.

Notes: Also available in French

April 3, 2013

Ireland: Ninth Review Under the Extended Arrangement

Description: A positive financial market and real sector developments support Ireland's capacity to exit the EU-IMF supported program at year's end. But the underlying fiscal and financial situation is still difficult, and continued strong policy execution remains paramount. Improvement in dealing with nonperforming loans and preventing a rise in structural unemployment is critical to strengthen prospects for recovery. Ireland’s strong track record of budget execution must be maintained, and building on the recent strengthening of the medium-term budget framework will support a durable exit.

April 3, 2013

Democratic Republic of the Congo: 2012 Article IV Consultation—Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Description: Economic performance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has improved markedly. To safeguard the fiscal position, the government has to rigorously monitor budget execution and reduce nondiscretionary spending. The current monetary and floating exchange rate regime should be maintained. Recent efforts to shore up financial stability and develop the banking sector give opportunities for closer regional and global financial integration. Institutional weaknesses, the business environment, and establishing a strong foundation for the exploitation and development of DRC’s natural resources will be critical.

Notes: Also available in French

April 2, 2013

Haiti: Selected Issues

Description: Fiscal policy in Haiti should be oriented toward more developmental objectives. Steps have been taken in sustaining inclusiveness; however, the current taxation and expenditure frameworks do not completely fulfill the necessary requirements for these objectives. Inefficient public investment and lack of transparency have resulted in lower growth, lower fiscal revenue, and higher costs as well as macroeconomic imbalances, limited competitiveness, and slow economic integration. The country should take advantage of the available financial assistance and step up efforts to improve public investment quality.

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