Country Reports

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July 30, 2013

United Arab Emirates: 2013 Article IV Consultation

Description: This staff report on United Arab Emirates 2013 Article IV Consultation highlights economic policies and development. Against a backdrop of political stability, confidence has further increased, tourism has been firm, demand from expatriates from the broader region has increased, and capital inflows have strengthened amid high global liquidity. The real estate sector, which had been impaired since the 2009 crisis, has stabilized in Abu Dhabi and has started to recover in Dubai. Dubai aims to build on its early achievements in becoming a hub for retail and wholesale trade, as well as a major tourism and real estate investment destination for the wider region. It has announced plans for several new megaprojects in real estate and tourism.

Notes: Also Available in Arabic

July 30, 2013

United Arab Emirates: Selected Issues

Description: This Selected Issues paper on the United Arab Emirates highlights the macroprudential policies. The fixed exchange rate and persistent structural liquidity surpluses in upswings add to the difficulties in managing aggregate demand contain credit expansion. The exchange rate peg and the open capital account allow limited room to deviate from the U.S. interest rates. Monetary policy is further constrained by limited liquidity management capabilities, as liquidity forecasting is in its infancy, and central banks liquidity management relies primarily on reserve requirements and standing facilities for liquidity absorption. The lack of a local currency fixed-income market raises the prominence of real estate as an asset class for investment and the exposure of the banking system to the real estate sector.

Notes: Also Available in Arabic

July 26, 2013

United States: Selected Issues

Description: This Selected Issues paper on United States 2012 Article IV Consultation discusses rebound of manufacturing production. The U.S. share in global manufacturing production declined through most of the past three decades, but it has stabilized since the Great Recession. It currently represents about 20 percent of global manufacturing value added. Interestingly, after a sharp increase during most of the previous decade, China’s share in global manufacturing has also stabilized since the Great Recession, at a level similar to that of the United States. The notion of a manufacturing renaissance has been fuelled partly by the rebound in production since the end of the Great Recession.

July 26, 2013

United States: 2013 Article IV Consultation

Description: This staff report on United States 2013 Article IV Consultation highlights economic policies and development. The economy grew at an annual rate of 1.8 percent in the first quarter of 2013, held down by sharp cuts in public spending, and economic indicators suggest that growth has remained weak in the second quarter of the year. Employment gains averaged about 200,000 over the first half of 2013, up from 180,000 in the previous six months. The unemployment rate continued to fall from its October 2009 peak of 10 percent to 7.6 percent in June 2013, although much of the improvement reflects lower labor force participation.

July 25, 2013

Euro Area Policies: Selected Issues Paper

Description: This Selected Issues paper on Euro Area Policies 2013 Article IV Consultation highlights the monetary transmission mechanism and monetary policies. The European Central Bank has announced the Outright Monetary Transactions framework to address severe distortions in sovereign bond markets and safeguard monetary transmission. The cost of unsecured bond issuance remains elevated for both core and periphery banks, but there is a growing divergence between the two, driven mainly by rising periphery spreads. Weak growth and high levels of private balance sheet debt in the periphery are weighing on the health of bank balance sheets.

July 25, 2013

Euro Area Policies: 2013 Article IV Consultation

Description: This staff paper on euro area policy 2013 Article IV Consultation discusses economic development and policies. Severe market stresses have subsided, although private borrowing costs have remained too high in the periphery. In these economies, sovereign borrowing costs have declined from unsustainable levels. This has led to slightly lower private borrowing costs, spurring bond issuance among some banks, and firms. Capital flight has gradually eased, bank deposits have stabilized, and Target 2 imbalances have narrowed. This has contributed to some early repayment of official liquidity support by stronger banks, though largely from core countries. Still, periphery bank risks are significantly higher than in the core.

July 25, 2013

Burkina Faso: Sixth Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility, Requests for Extension of the Arrangement, Modification of Continuous Performance Criterion, and Rephasing of Disbursement—Staff Report; Staff Supplements; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Burkina Faso

Description: This paper discusses Burkina Faso’s Sixth Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement under the Extended Credit Facility and Requests for Extension of the Arrangement, Modification of Continuous Performance Criterion, and Rephasing of Disbursement. Domestic revenue collection over performed by a significant margin in 2012, and program performance remains good. In 2012, domestic revenues were higher than targeted by 1.7 percentage points of revised GDP. Lower financing needs resulted in government savings in the banking system. The authorities are prioritizing improvements in public investment planning, spending capacity to meet infrastructure, and training needs that constrain growth.

Notes: Also available in French

July 25, 2013

Tonga: 2013 Article IV Consultation

Description: This staff report on Tonga’s 2013 Article IV Consultation discusses the economic development and policies. Banks in Tonga have been fixing their balance sheets since late 2008. Shrinking the loan books and increasing holdings of reserve assets have prompted negative macro-financial linkages, and reduced business confidence. In response, the National Reserve Bank of Tonga has aggressively infused liquidity into the system, and stepped up risk-based supervision. Progress in improving the regulatory and institutional infrastructure has also continued, including inauguration of a credit bureau. Major gains have been made in budget transparency, the establishment of a Treasury Single Account system, and better prioritization of the budget.

July 24, 2013

Burkina Faso: Ex Post Assessment of Longer-Term Program Engagement—An Update

Description: This paper discusses Burkina Faso’s ex-post assessment of longer-term program engagement. Economic growth has fluctuated above regional standards, averaging 5.3 percent between 2007 and 2012. The improvements in the agricultural sector, as a result of authorities’ strong push for reforms, and investments in the sector, mitigated the impact of unfavorable weather conditions. Authorities responded to high commodity price pressure with temporary exemption from custom fees, value-added tax on basic products, sales of food at below market prices, and suspension of the automatic oil price mechanism. Inflation has remained generally low since 2010, despite food shortages caused by the drought in 2011.

Notes: Also available in French

July 24, 2013

Bhutan: Technical Assistance Evaluation Report (March 4-8, 2013)

Description: This paper discusses Bhutan’s Technical Assistance Evaluation report. Participation in the statistical projects financed by the Japanese government in national accounts, prices, government finance, and balance-of-payments statistics is having a major effect on Bhutan’s statistical development. The statistical compilers were well informed about the donor as the source of funding. The method of combining regional workshops and multiple missions was considered to be particularly suitable. Cross-sectoral data consistency and coordination are increasingly recognized as important. Computerized accounting systems for the budgetary central government have been introduced, namely the Multi-Year Rolling Budget and the Public Expenditure Management System.

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