Country Reports

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September 18, 2013

Cyprus: First Review Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria

Description: This paper discusses Cyprus’ First Review Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria. The program is on track, and ownership by the authorities has improved. Fiscal targets were met with a comfortable margin. All structural benchmarks were also observed, albeit some with a brief delay. The authorities have made important strides to complete the bank resolution process, publish a roadmap to gradually ease payment restrictions, and finalize a restructuring strategy for the cooperative credit sector. However, much remains to be done to fully implement the financial sector restructuring strategy and restore confidence in the system.

September 16, 2013

Niger: Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment

Description: This paper provides details of Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Assessment report for Niger. The measurement of the public financial management performance indicators shows that progress has been insignificant. Reform programs in progress in the area of oversight and external auditing are moving ahead; as this trend continues, the progress will be reflected in the scores of subsequent assessments. However, the progress of the external audit will continue to depend on positive trends in the area of accounting, information recording, and financial reporting.

Notes: Also available in French

September 12, 2013

Pakistan: 2013 Article IV Consultation and Request for an Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility

Description: This paper highlights Pakistan’s 2013 Article IV Consultation and Request for an Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility. Discussions in the IMF report focus on macroeconomic policies to address vulnerabilities and reforms to promote robust inclusive growth. The authorities’ ambitious economic program aims to reverse the current mix of large fiscal deficits and, accommodative monetary policy, and low reserve coverage, which provides few buffers to absorb shocks. The authorities have requested a 36-month extended arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) for SDR 4.393 billion.

September 11, 2013

Benin: Fifth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility and Request for Extension of the Arrangement

Description: This paper explains Fifth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility and Request for Extension of the Arrangement report for Benin. The IMF report shows that inflation has returned to normal levels since the petroleum price shock in early 2012 when neighboring Nigeria reduced fuel subsidies, and external imbalances were revised downward. Problems with customs reform, which delayed the 5th fifth review, have been addressed by developing a new approach that takes into account lessons from a suspended previous reform attempt and international best practices.

Notes: Also available in French

September 10, 2013

Austria: Selected Issues

Description: This paper focuses on Austria’s 2013 Article IV Consultation on economic development and policies related to labor demand and supply. Austria taxes labor heavily, and this practice explains in particular the limited labor supply of low-skilled workers and women. The IMF report highlights that social security contributions and payroll taxes amount to almost 50 percent of gross monthly wages. It analyzes that a comparatively high share of Austria’s family benefits is monetary rather than in kind. Work incentives for low-skilled workers could be strengthened by selectively lowering social security contributions and/or payroll taxes, and reducing the entry income tax rate.

September 10, 2013

Austria: Financial Sector Stability Assessment

Description: This Financial Sector Stability Assessment report reviews economic development and different fiscal policies in Austria. The global crisis has revealed weaknesses in Austria’s financial stability policy framework, and recent changes at the European levels provide an opportunity to address these. Stress test results indicate that under adverse medium-term scenarios, virtually all Austrian banks, including all internationally active institutions, would meet regulatory capital requirements, and are resilient to funding and contagion risks. The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) and the central bank (OeNB) collaborate effectively in performing banking supervision, including on a cross-border basis.

September 10, 2013

Austria: 2013 Article IV Consultation

Description: This paper presents details of Austria’s 2013 Article IV Consultation. Austria has been growing economically but is facing challenges in the financial sector. Full implementation of medium-term fiscal adjustment plans require specifying several measures and plans that need gradual strengthening to take expected further bank restructuring cost into account. It suggests that strong early bank intervention and resolution tools, a better designed deposit insurance system, and a bank-financed resolution fund would help reduce the need for budgetary support to any troubled banks in the future.

September 10, 2013

Republic of Congo: 2013 Article IV Consultation

Description: This paper assesses the Republic of Congo’s discussions in 2013 Article IV Consultation. Though having abundance of natural resources, notably oil and iron ore, Congo has achieved limited progress in poverty alleviation, and remains vulnerable to external shocks. Weak governance and business conditions are significant constraints to private sector development and growth inclusiveness. The IMF report shows that Congo’s main challenge is to ensure long-term macroeconomic stability in the face of oil revenue volatility and exhaustibility, and to make growth more inclusive.

Notes: Also available in French

September 9, 2013

Cameroon: 2013 Article IV Consultation

Description: This paper presents key discussions of Cameroon’s 2013 Article IV Consultation. Economic activity in Cameroon has continued to recover gradually from the global financial crisis in 2008–2009, and inflation has remained subdued. In light of growing vulnerabilities, the report suggests to adopt a plan to reduce fuel subsidies gradually, accompanied by targeted social programs for the neediest, to free up resources for public investment. It is also necessary to accelerate resolution of distressed banks and enhance the regulatory framework to promote lending.

Notes: Also available in French

September 9, 2013

Chad: Staff-Monitored Program

Description: This paper analyzes the effect of an IMF Staff-Monitored Program for Chad to enhance economic development. Weak institutional capacity and governance concerns have limited economic development and donor support in Chad. It is highlighted that the reduction in the nonoil primary deficit envisaged in the 2013 budget appears appropriate, but expenditures linked to the regional security situation and lower than anticipated oil revenues imply large financing needs. There are significant economic and political risks to program implementation,; the regional security situation remains volatile, and the economy is highly dependent on volatile oil revenue.

Notes: Also available in French

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