Country Reports

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December 6, 2013

Mali: Technical Assistance Report: Continued Modernization of the Malian Tax System and Administration

Description: This Technical Assistance Report focuses on continued modernization of the Malian tax system and administration. The crisis that has afflicted Mali since 2012 has had an adverse economic impact, reflected in a 25 percent decline in government resources and negative growth of -1.2 percent. Despite the difficult context, the combination of reduced investment expenditure, improved tax collection, reduced subsidies, and increased taxes on petroleum products served to contain the budget deficit at 1.3 percent of GDP. In regard to increasing own resources, the government is committed to increasing tax receipts to reduce dependence on foreign aid.

Notes: Also available in French

December 6, 2013

Mali: Technical Assistance Report: Continued Modernization of the Malian Tax System and Administration—Memorandum on Natural Resource Management

Description: This Technical Assistance Report discusses continued modernization of the Malian tax system and administration of natural resources. The Malian mining sector essentially consists of gold mining. The diversification policy is a failure at this point. The authorities’ stated objective of diversifying mining production has not produced a clear, consistent action plan. Apart from precious substances, the high cost of bulk transportation (minerals), the technical and financial difficulties of local processing, and the weak domestic market make it unlikely that Mali’s mining future can be defined other than by gold in the short or medium term.

Notes: Also available in French

December 5, 2013

Singapore: Detailed Assessment of Observance-Insurance Core Principles

Description: This paper discusses findings of the Detailed Assessment of Observance on Insurance Core Principles on Singapore. The insurance industry in Singapore is growing, in particular the offshore nonlife sector. Gross premium of the sector has grown significantly by more than 80 percent in the last five years. The Monetary Authority of Singapore has made significant progress in improving the insurance regulatory regime and supervisory practice since the initial Financial Sector Assessment Program in 2004.The updated regulatory framework and supervisory practices have a significantly high level of observance of the Insurance Core Principles.

December 5, 2013

Singapore: Detailed Assessment of Observance-Assessment of Observance of the CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures

Description: This paper discusses key findings of the Detailed Assessment of Observance of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems–International Organization of Securities Commissions Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures(FMIs) in Singapore. Singapore has a well-developed payment, clearing, and settlement infrastructure, which includes two central counterparties for financial products. The infrastructure includes a large value payment system operated by the central bank and securities and derivatives clearing and settlement systems operated by the Singapore Exchange Limited. The FMIs in Singapore are subject to effective regulation, supervision, and oversight of the Monetary Authority Singapore (MAS). The legal framework provides the MAS with sufficient powers to obtain timely information and induce change.

December 5, 2013

Singapore: Detailed Assessment of Implementation-IOSCO Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation

Description: This paper discusses the findings of the Detailed Assessment of Implementation on the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation on Singapore. Overall compliance with IOSCO principles is generally high, although the assessors identified some vulnerabilities that need to be resolved. The Monetary Authority of Singapore’s (MAS) enforcement philosophy as regards securities markets and the financial intermediaries active therein is cogent, with outcomes focused and well developed. The Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289) provides an effective framework to enable the sharing of information and cooperation between MAS and foreign regulators on supervisory and enforcement matters.

December 5, 2013

Singapore: Detailed Assessment of Compliance on the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision

Description: This paper discusses key findings of the Detailed Assessment of Compliance on the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision on Singapore. The assessment of the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) represents a very high level of compliance with the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision and demonstrates a strong commitment by MAS to their implementation. MAS is well aware of the risks posed by a financial system that is significantly larger than the economy of Singapore. MAS has also set a high standard for approving foreign entrants, applying the same prudential framework to foreign branches as to its own locally incorporated banks.

December 5, 2013

Bangladesh: Staff Report for the 2013 Article IV Consultation and Third Review Under the Extended Credit Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria

Description: This paper discusses Bangladesh’s Third Review Under the Extended Credit Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria. Political uncertainty and nationwide strikes are taking a toll on economic activity, with private investment most affected. Real GDP growth moderated in FY2013 (July 2012–June 2013) to 6 percent (FY2012: 6.2 percent). Recent data on private credit and tax collections suggest economic activity continues to slow. The program remains on track. All performance criteria at end-June 2013 were met, and all structural benchmarks have been completed. The IMF staff recommends completion of the review and modification of the performance criteria for December 2013.

December 4, 2013

Suriname: Selected Issues

Description: This Selected Issues paper focuses on constructing a high-frequency economic growth indicator for Suriname. Most economic data for Suriname are available only with a substantial time lag and on a low-frequency basis, impeding such analyses. This paper presents a simple econometric model that closely approximates GDP in recent years. The model estimates are used to construct a monthly indicator of economic activity for Suriname. The indicator provides information about the pace of economic activity close to real time, typically with a one- to two-month lag.

December 4, 2013

Suriname: 2013 Article IV Consultation

Description: This 2013 Article IV Consultation highlights that Suriname’s macroeconomic performance has strengthened markedly over the past decade. Since 2000, stronger policies and buoyant commodity prices, supported by political stability, have helped improve macroeconomic performance, enabling Suriname to enjoy several recent upgrades from major ratings agencies. With gold prices declining after a long upswing, the main challenges are to strengthen institutions and adjust policies to avoid the onset of a boom–bust cycle. Growth remains robust although inflation has declined considerably. In 2012 GDP grew an estimated 4.75 percent, similar to 2011 and among the highest in the region, supported by buoyant commodity prices, particularly gold.

December 3, 2013

European Union: Publication of Financial Sector Assessment Program Documentation—Detailed Assessment of Observance of the CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures

Description: This paper discusses the main findings of the Detailed Assessment of Observance of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems–International Organization of Securities Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (FMIs) for the European Union. Euroclear Bank’s risk framework is generally sound. Euroclear Bank should become operationally ready to fully implement plans for recovery and the orderly winding-down of operations. In anticipation of the emerging international regulatory standards and frameworks on recovery and resolution of FMIs, Euroclear Bank has developed recovery plans and plans for the orderly winding down of its operations. Important risk measures have been taken to reduce credit risk, but further improvements are needed to comply with the international standards.

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