Country Reports

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October 6, 2017

Uganda: Technical Assistance Report„Report on the Financial Transactions and Balance Sheets Mission; IMF Country Report No. 17/293, September 2017

Description: This Technical Assistance Report discusses technical advice and recommendations given by the IMF mission to the authorities of Uganda regarding development of financial transactions and balance sheets. The IMF mission suggested developing the financial transactions and balance sheets based on a holistic approach following the integrated sectoral accounts framework of the 2008 System of National Accounts. This approach will highlight the interconnection of the four main sectors of the Ugandan economy. The IMF mission judged that development of experimental financial transactions and sector balance sheets is possible in the near future. However, the development of final accounts that are consistent with nonfinancial accounts would take two to three more years and would depend on acquisition of additional source data.

October 6, 2017

Uganda: Technical Assistance Report„Report on the National Accounts Statistics Mission; IMF Country Report No. 17/294, September 2017

Description: This Technical Assistance Report discusses technical advice and recommendations given by the IMF mission to the authorities of Uganda about developing the estimates of GDP for expenditure components. The previous work undertaken to develop the methodology and a compilation system for producing estimates of GDP based on expenditure components was reviewed. The IMF mission established a systematic basis for estimating household final consumption expenditures based on a constant price Commodity Flow Model (CFM). Together with the local counterpart staff, the IMF mission also developed a Microsoft Excel framework for producing the CFM. Whenever possible, links to existing workbooks were established, including those used to estimate gross output and intermediate consumption from GDP based on the production approach system.

October 6, 2017

Uganda: Technical Assistance Report„Report on the Price Statistics Mission; IMF Country Report No. 17/295, September 2017

Description: This Technical Assistance Report discusses technical advice and recommendations given by the IMF mission to the authorities of Uganda about finalizing the rebased producer price index (PPI) and developing export and import price indices (XMPI). It is proposed that the new PPI and the XMPI be compiled using a modified and enhanced version of the current PPI Excel-based processing system. Considerable time was spent with the XMPI team explaining the required functionality, and a partial compilation of the import price index was undertaken using Excel spreadsheets. For the PPI, an index structure and weighting pattern have also been derived based on the final 2009–10 supply and use tables.

October 6, 2017

Uganda: Technical Assistance Report - Report on the Quarterly National Accounts Statistics Mission; IMF Country Report No. 17/298, September 2017

Description: This Technical Assistance Report discusses technical advice and recommendations given by the IMF mission to the authorities of Uganda regarding finalization of the rebased GDP estimates for dissemination. For the economic activity worksheets, the nominal and real growth rates, intermediate consumption/gross output ratios at current and constant prices, and implicit price deflators were checked. A number of adjustments were made to the methodology to improve the representativeness of the indicators and the weights of the composite price indices to ensure the resulting estimates are within expectations. There is considerable scope to improve the price deflators and constant price estimates. Technical Assistance to improve the expenditure estimates will be provided during 2015.

October 6, 2017

Uganda: Technical Assistance Report - Report on the Price Statistics Mission; IMF Country Report No. 17/296, September 2017

Description: This Technical Assistance Report discusses the technical advice and recommendations given by the IMF mission to the authorities of Uganda about the concepts and methods used to compile the consumer price index (CPI). The conceptual basis of the rebased CPI was extensively discussed during the IMF mission. The rebasing was considered to be an opportunity to change the conceptual basis of the CPI and to compile weights using the domestic concept. The Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS) data were compared with household consumption derived in the supply and use tables. Tobacco and beer for instance are significantly underreported in the UNHS. Adjustment of the weight for under- or overreporting by comparing the UNHS data to other sources is recommended.

October 6, 2017

Uganda: Technical Assistance Report - Report on the Quarterly National Accounts Statistics Mission; IMF Country Report No. 17/297, September 2017

Description: This Technical Assistance Report discusses the technical advice and recommendations given by the IMF mission to the authorities of Uganda regarding compilation of quarterly national accounts statistics. The finalization of the supply and use tables has involved incorporation of significantly revised source data for a number of industries since November 2013, as well as changes in the input data resulting from the implementation of methodological improvements. The Uganda Bureau of Statistics has also made a significant effort to finalize the source data and improve coverage of the economy over the past six months, resulting in revised data for a number of industries. The net impact has been to increase the GDP level by economic activity.

October 6, 2017

Uganda: Technical Assistance Report-Report on the National Accounts Statistics Mission

Description: This Technical Assistance Report discusses technical advice and recommendations given by the IMF mission to the authorities of Uganda regarding further development of estimates of quarterly GDP for expenditure components and the development of production accounts for main institutional sectors. Together with local counterpart staff, the IMF mission finalized the Microsoft Excel framework for producing the volume measure of constant price quarterly expenditure GDP. It is recommended that the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) undertake a review of the regimes used for compiling the three different estimates of GDP. The UBOS should also carry forward the quarterly expenditure compilation process by developing the basis for a current price equivalent to the constant price Commodity Flow Model.

October 6, 2017

Uganda: Technical Assistance Report-Report on the Sectoral Financial Accounts Mission

Description: This Technical Assistance Report discusses the technical advice and recommendations given by the IMF mission to the authorities of Uganda regarding sectoral financial accounts. The IMF mission reviewed the sectoral financial stocks and transactions data for 2014 and noted that commendable progress has been made in compilation of annual financial accounts. The mission provided suggestions for public release of annual data for the years 2013, 2014, and 2015 by September 30, 2016. The progress on quarterly financial accounts compilation has been slow because source data were not available for some sectors and because of capacity constraints. The IMF mission recommends compilation of these data for internal purposes for sectors and instruments with data availability.

October 6, 2017

Uganda: Technical Assistance Report-Report on the Prices Statistics Mission

Description: This Technical Assistance Report discusses technical advice and recommendations given by the IMF mission to the authorities of Uganda in relation to developing export and import price indices and rebasing the construction industry price index and hotels and restaurants producer price index. The survey methodology was determined covering the form design, selection of the sample of importers, conduct of the initialization interviews, and selection of samples of representative products for regular pricing. Detailed documentation was provided. A prototype of an Excel-based compilation system was prepared, which will form the basis for the development of an operational system of spreadsheets for the ongoing quarterly compilation of the import and export price indices.

October 5, 2017

Sweden: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Regulation and Supervision of Cross-Border Securities Activities

Description: This Technical Note discusses the findings and recommendations in the Financial Sector Assessment Program for Sweden in the areas of regulation and supervision of cross-border securities activities. The Finansinspektionen (Financial Supervisory Authority, FI) should review the consumer protection area’s activities to assess where the current consumer protection focus should be complemented with explicit consideration of financial stability risks. Improvements in data availability and better analysis tools would improve the FI’s ability to analyze risks and plan its supervisory activities. Enhancements to cross-border supervisory cooperation and active participation in the work of the European Securities and Markets Authority are also necessary complements to the FI’s current active domestic supervisory program.

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