Country Reports

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May 1, 2024


Description: The Moroccan economy once again showed resilience to negative shocks in 2023, as economic activity accelerated, inflation slowed, and the current account deficit narrowed despite headwinds from water scarcity (which caused a severe loss of jobs in the agricultural sector), the September 2023 earthquake, and lower growth in the Euro Area. The ambitious infrastructure plan announced by the authorities (including in water and energy sectors) is expected to boost investment and growth in the next few years, with the current account gradually converging towards the medium-term norm. The fiscal deficit in 2023 was below the level projected in the Budget and the authorities reiterated their commitment to a gradual fiscal consolidation over the next three years. Implementation of the structural reform agenda has continued, particularly regarding the overhaul of social protection, health care, and education systems.

April 26, 2024


Description: The authorities’ commitment to fiscal discipline and macroeconomic stability is paying off. The economy is growing, inflation is on a steady downward trend, investor confidence is improving, donor support is increasing, and S&P has upgraded Suriname’s credit rating. A debt restructuring agreement with EXIM China has been signed by both parties.

April 26, 2024

Arab Republic of Egypt: First and Second Reviews Under the Extended Arrangement Under the Extended Fund Facility, Monetary Policy Consultation, and Requests for Waiver of Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion, and Augmentation and Rephasing of Access-Press Release; and Staff Report

Description: This paper presents Arab Republic of Egypt’s First and Second Reviews under the Extended Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF), Monetary Policy Consultation, and Requests for Waiver of Nonobservance of a Performance Criterion, and Augmentation and Rephasing of Access. A strong economic stabilization plan is being implemented to correct policy slippages. The plan is centered on a liberalized foreign exchange system in the context of a flexible exchange rate regime, a significant tightening of the policy mix, reducing public investment, and leveling the playing field to allow the private sector to become the engine of growth. While the recent sizable investment deal in Ras El-Hekma alleviates the near-term financing pressures, implementation of the economic policies under the program remains critical to address Egypt’s macroeconomic challenges. Robust delivery on structural reforms will be critical to lock in the benefits of the improved financing environment. IMF staff supports the authorities’ request for the completion of the first and second reviews under the EFF Arrangement.

April 25, 2024

Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: Selected Issues

Description: Selected Issues

April 25, 2024

Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: 2024 Staff Report for the 2024 Article IV Consultation on Common Policies of Member Countries of the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union-Press Release and Staff Report

Description: After successive external shocks—first, the pandemic and later higher commodity prices after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine—the region’s output has surpassed its pre-pandemic level boosted by a strong tourism rebound and investment. Inflation is moderating from its peak. Fiscal and external balances have improved, but public debt and current account deficits remain high. The financial system has been stable and liquid, although it continues to be confronted with asset quality weaknesses and rising risks in the non-bank financial sector. Longstanding structural challenges affecting private investment and employment create a drag on growth going forward. The region’s outlook is heavily dependent on uncertain Citizenshipby- Investment (CBI) inflows, and susceptible to volatility in commodity prices, a slowdown in major tourism source countries, and the recurrent threat of natural disasters.

April 24, 2024

Republic of Kazakhstan: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Regulation and Supervision of Crypto Assets

Description: Kazakhstan saw a significant increase in crypto mining in 2021 following a ban on mining in China. Volatility in crypto markets and energy shortages, coupled with a prohibition on the circulation of crypto assets in Kazakhstan, reduced the size of the market by the following year. While retail and institutional crypto holdings are limited, growing public sector experiments with distributed ledger technology, a pilot project to allow the circulation of crypto in the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC), and mandates for crypto miners to store a proportion of their mining rewards in AIFC registered exchanges has the potential to increase the size of the sector. If incentives grow for users and firms to circulate crypto, the existing prohibition – which has dampened market growth, could become untenable. Although not a regulatory priority, the broad prohibition on crypto assets should be replaced by a robust regulatory framework, contingent on market growth, upskilling supervisors, and a globally coordinated move to implementing conduct and prudential regulation.

April 24, 2024

Republic of Kazakhstan: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Climate-Related Risks and Financial Stability

Description: Kazakhstan is vulnerable to transition risk due to the importance of its energy- and emissions-intensive sectors. Domestic and global climate policies would negatively affect Kazakhstan’s economy, its firms, industries, and banks, with heterogenous impacts across industries and banks. Using both micro and macro modeling approaches, the climate risk analysis suggests Kazakhstani banks are exposed to significant transition risk from domestic and, more importantly, global climate policies. The risk is especially higher for carbon intensive sectors, such as fossil fuel extraction, refining, and electricity generation. Banks with large exposure to emissions-intensive sectors experience up to 30 percent additional losses under a disorderly 1.5°C scenario over a 5-to-7-year horizon, compared to the baseline. Banks with a small share of portfolio with emissions-intensives sectors may still experience losses, as climate change mitigation actions affect the economy at large and the financial health of individual consumers, businesses, and industries.

April 22, 2024

Côte d’Ivoire: Request for an Arrangement Under the Resilience and Sustainability Facility-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Côte d’Ivoire

Description: Côte d’Ivoire is highly exposed to climate change through rising temperatures and sea levels as well as rain pattern changes. Economic vulnerabilities to climate change are mostly due to the country’s heavy reliance on agriculture, and the concentration of industrial and services activity in coastal areas. Agriculture employs about half of the workforce and contributes about 17 percent of GDP and 10 percent of tax revenues. At the same time, greenhouse gas emission and pollution in urban areas are growing, albeit from a low level.

April 17, 2024

West African Economic and Monetary Union: Selected Issues

Description: Selected Issues

April 17, 2024

West African Economic and Monetary Union: Staff Report on Common Policies for Member Countries-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the West African Economic and Monetary Union

Description: The WAEMU has seen strong growth and rising living standards over the past decade. Economic growth averaged 5.4 percent in 2013-2019 and 5.8 percent in 2021-2023. Policy efforts from regional and national authorities have cushioned the impact of several external and internal shocks, prompting a solid economic recovery since the COVID-19 pandemic, despite increasing security issues. Meanwhile, the Human Development Index has increased from 0.44 in 2013 to 0.48 in 2021.

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