Challenges to Economies in Transition Stabilization, Growth, and Governance International conference in honor of the fifth anniversary of the Kyrgyz som Cosponsors: Kyrgyz Republic and the International Monetary Fund


Opening Ceremonies

Declaration by Mr. Marat Sultanov, Chairman, National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

Address by His Excellency, Askar Akaev, President, Kyrgyz Republic

Address by Mr. Michel Camdessus, Managing Director and Chairman of the Executive Board, International Monetary Fund

Address by Mr. Hans Meyer, Chairman of the Governing Board, Swiss National Bank

Session I

Prospects and Challenges of Financial Systems in Transition Economies

    Chairman: Mr. Marat Sultanov

Speaker: Mr. Oraz Jandosov, First Deputy Prime Minister, Republic of Kazakhstan

Discussants: Mr. Boris Fedorov, Deputy, State Duma, Russian Federation

Mr. Lajos Bokros, Director, Private Sector and Financial Sector Development Unit, Europe and Central Asia, World Bank

    Session II

    Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in Economies with Newly Independent Currencies: Lessons from Recent History

      Chairman: Mr. John Odling-Smee, Director, European II Department, IMF

    Speaker: Mr. Leonid Talmaci, Governor, National Bank of Moldova

    Discussants: Mr. Warren Coats, Advisor, Monetary and Exchange Affairs Department, IMF

    Mr. Ulan Sarbanov, Board Member, National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

      Session III

      From Stabilization to Growth: Foreign Financing and Debt Sustainability

        Chairman: Mr. Talaybek Koychumanov, Minister of Finance, Kyrgyz Republic

      Speaker: Professor Paul Wachtel, Stern School of Business, New York University

      Discussants: Mr. John Odling-Smee

      Mr. Grigori Marchenko, President, Deutsche Securities, Kazakhstan

        THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1998

        Session IV

        Stabilization and Reform: Experience of Five Central Asian States

          Chairman: Mr. Bagrat Asatryan, President of the Association of Banks of Armenia

        Speaker: Professor Michael Kaser, Universities of Birmingham and Oxford, United Kingdom

        Discussants: Mr. Emil Abdumanapov, Deputy Chairman, National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

        Mr. Peter Keller Assistant Director, European II Department, IMF

          Session V

          Governance Issues During the Transition

            Chairman: Mr. Peter Wienand, Ambassador of Germany to the Kyrgyz Republic

          Speaker: Mr. George Abed, Senior Advisor, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

          Discussants: Mr. Thanos Catsambas, Deputy Chief of Eastern Division, European II Department, IMF

          Mr. Omar Sultanov, Head of President's Administration, Kyrgyz Republic


            Session VI

            Social Policy and Income Distribution During the Transition

              Chairman: Ms. Anna-Kristina Stjanerklint, Resident Representative, United Nations Development Program

            Speaker: Mr. Branko Milanovic, Principal Economist, Research Department, World Bank

            Discussants: Mr. Marek Dabrowski, Vice-Chairman, Center for Social and Economic Research (Poland)

            Mr. Thomas Crouch, Manager of Division 3, Programs Department (East), Asian Development Bank


              Session VII

              Foreign Investment During the Transition: How to Attract It, How to Make the Best Use of It

                Chairman: Mr. Nikolay Hadjiyski, Resident Representative, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

              Speaker: Mr. Urkaly Isayev, Director, Foreign Investment Agency, Kyrgyz Republic

              Discussants: Mr. Michael Rathnam, Resident Representative, World Bank Group

              Mr. Koji Tsunokawa, Deputy Managing Director, Operations Department III, Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (Japan)


                Concluding Session

                Chairman: Mr. Kubanychbek Jumaliev, Prime Minister, Kyrgyz Republic

                Press Conference