Sustainable Investment Scaling up in Low-Income Countries

Washington, DC

November 30, 2010

Sustainable Investment Scaling up in Low-Income Countries


There is a large investment gap in Low-Income Countries (LICs), particularly in infrastructure. Addressing it is critical to increasing potential growth.

The required financing will likely come, at least partly, from nontraditional official creditors and private sources. The conference will bring together leading academics, researchers, and policy makers to examine how to scale up investment in a sustainable and growth-maximizing way in LICs.


The one-day conference had an opening plenary and three thematic sessions and would ended with a policy-oriented panel. The themes covered included: (1) public investment, including the quality of the public investment management process and growth (2) assessing debt sustainability; and (3) managing the private financing of infrastructure.

To read the papers presented at this conference, please click the links below.

See also some additional material: