The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth

IMF Center Book Forum

Wednesday, February 8, 2006; 12:30-2:00 p.m.
IMF Auditorium - HQ1-R-710 (Visitors enter via IMF Center)
720 19th Street NW, Washington, DC

**Open to Fund/Bank Staff and the Public**
(light refreshments will be served)

View the transcript of the forum

Economic growth gives benefits far beyond the material: it brings "greater opportunity, tolerance of diversity, social mobility, commitment to fairness and dedication to democracy." That's the hypothesis advanced by Harvard University professor Benjamin Friedman in his new book The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth. Is he right? Join us in a discussion featuring:

Benjamin Friedman
Harvard University, William Joseph Maier Professor of Economics

Sebastian Mallaby
The Washington Post, Editorial Writer and Columnist

Nigel Ashford
George Mason University, Institute of Humane Studies

Simon Johnson
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management

Moderated by Rev. Andrew Small, OMI
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

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Please note that due to enhanced security arrangements:

1. An RSVP is required:  or (202) 623 7001.

2. Only IMF/World Bank Staff ID holders should enter through the main 700 19th St. entrance. If you do not hold a staff ID, please enter through the IMF Center entrance, 720 19th St. N.W. Washington DC.


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