Conference on "Macroeconomic Policies and Social Equity"

Organized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)


September 19-20, 2007

Lima, Peru

ECLAC and the IMF will hold a regional seminar on "Macroeconomic Policies and Social Equity" in Lima on September 19-20. The seminar is bringing together parliamentarians and government ministers from many countries in the region to discuss the best ways to design macroeconomic policies to promote social equity, while preserving economic stability that is conducive to sustainable economic growth.

Specific topics to be discussed will include fiscal policies for equitable growth, steps to broaden access to financial services and reforms to strengthen institutions. The key speakers will include His Excellency President Alan Garcia of Peru, Jose Miguel Insulza, Secretary-General of OAS, and Jose Luis Machinea, Executive Secretary of CEPAL and Rodrigo de Rato, Managing Director of the IMF. Messrs. Machinea and de Rato will hold a press conference at the conclusion of the seminar at 5:00 pm on September 20.

Attendance at the conference will be by invitation only.