Global Challenges, Global Solutions

April 14, 2011

Seminars at the IMF Spring Meetings 2011, Washington DC

Emerging Markets—Leading the Recovery, but What Next?

Thursday, April 14, 2011 | 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. | HQ1-Meeting Hall A&B

Some emerging economies are enjoying rapid growth and leading the recovery. However recent global developments, and rising food and energy prices, means inflationary pressures are starting to build in EMEs, and asset markets have risen sharply. Emerging economies thus face the challenge of absorbing the benefits of rising capital flows while limiting the associated macroeconomic and financial stability risks. What tools should they use to reduce the risks of a hard landing? And how can policymakers manage the resurgent capital inflows, and the risk of reversal? What are the spillover effects of one country’s policies on others? How should EMEs adapt to an uncertain global environment? This seminar will examine these issues, bringing in perspectives of practitioners and academics.

  • Moderator:
    Ms. Lin Xue Ling, Channel NewsAsia
  • Panelists:
    • Joyce Chang, Managing Director and Head of Emerging Markets and Global Credit Research at JPMorgan
    • Domenico Lombardi, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
    • Sebastian Mallaby, Paul A. Volcker Senior Fellow for International Economics, Council on Foreign Relations
    • Moisés Naím, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    • Naoyuki Shinohara, IMF Deputy Managing Director

Roundtable—Youth, Jobs, and Inclusive Growth in the Middle East and North Africa

Friday, April 15, 2011 | 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. | HQ2-Conference Hall 2

The Middle East and North Africa region is facing daunting challenges. Among the most pressing is the need to generate faster and more inclusive growth that will create meaningful jobs. Unemployment, particularly among the youth, is already high, while growth remains well below that of the emerging market average. Popular uprisings that have swept across the region have also brought to the surface long-standing discontent with inequality and joblessness. What can policymakers do to support inclusive growth? To tackle joblessness and inequality? How can the IMF help?

  • Moderator:
    Abderrahim Foukara, Al Jazeera
  • Panelists:
    • Nada Al-Nashif, Regional Director, ILO Regional Office for Arab States
    • Wael Ghonim, Internet Activist
    • Rashid Khalidi, Professor, Columbia University
    • Mustapha Nabli, Central Bank Governor, Tunisia
    • Dominique Strauss Kahn, Managing Director IMF

Send in your questions to the panelists via Facebook and Twitter.