Statement to the UN High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment

September 19, 2017

A year ago, I made five commitments; today I want to report on how the IMF is implementing them. “Action” is the word:

Commitment 1: Strengthen analysis and advice to support female labor force participation:

We completed 27 country consultations with a focus on gender—and are conducting 13 more. IMF-supported programs in Niger, Jordan, and Egypt include specific measures to empower women—including comprehensive gender development plans, public nurseries, and safer public transport.

Commitment 2: Address data gaps to support women’s financial inclusion:

Last year, our Financial Access Survey looked at gender-disaggregated data in 28 countries; this year, we are assessing availability in all countries involved. Upcoming IMF research covering 140 countries will also identify key ways of increasing women’s access to finance.

Commitment 3: Expand work on gender budgeting:

Thanks to the United Kingdom’s support, we are incorporating gender budgeting into our capacity development support for public financial management—including in Cambodia and Ukraine. We presented a major analytical piece for the G7; and we held an international conference—to raise global awareness.

Commitment 4: Help address legal restrictions:

We conducted new work on legal barriers facing women in Latin America and the Caribbean. And we have continued pushing for the removal of specific barriers, most recently in Morocco, Niger, and Pakistan.

Commitment 5: Further research on gender inequality and growth:

We have new research on gender issues in Canada, Chile, and the Balkans—and on female leadership in finance. Upcoming research focuses on infrastructure investment and gender equality in labor markets and education.

The bottom line: Across each of our five commitments, the IMF is not just promising; we are delivering. These are just some of the ways we are doing so.

I look forward to continuing our journey together.

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