News Brief: IMF Hosts Conference on Economic Policy and Equity

June 3, 1998

IMF Hosts Conference on Economic Policy and Equity

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will host an international conference on Economic Policy and Equity and related issues at its Washington D.C. headquarters on June 8-9, 1998.

The conference will focus on operational issues concerning equitable economic policies, and will be attended by up to 250 senior government officials, scholars, religious groups, and labor representatives from around the world together with officials of international organizations, and IMF staff, management, and members of the Executive Board. The conference is particularly timely given the growing interest in equity aspects of economic policy in an increasingly globalized world economy.

At the conclusion of the proceedings on June 9, IMF First Deputy Managing Director Stanley Fischer and IMF Fiscal Affairs Department Director Vito Tanzi will hold a press conference to summarize the discussions.


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