Typical street scene in Santa Ana, El Salvador. (Photo: iStock)

Typical street scene in Santa Ana, El Salvador. (Photo: iStock)

IMF Survey: IMF e-Bookstore: Rebuilt and Open for Business

June 27, 2008

  • IMF revamps online bookstore
  • New site is more user friendly, interactive
  • Customers now able to browse by topic, author, country, language

The IMF has launched a revamped online bookstore. The IMF e-Bookstore can be accessed on the Internet at www.imfbookstore.org.

IMF e-Bookstore: Rebuilt and Open for Business

Users of the new e-Bookstore are now able to browse by various categories, including topic, author, country, and language, and to filter their search results.

IMF Publications

Customers have been able to order IMF publications online for some time, but the new site is much more user friendly and interactive, with many of the features found on other e-commerce websites.

The e-Bookstore home page highlights forthcoming and new publications—such as the latest World Economic Outlook and Global Financial Stability Reports and statistical resources—as well as IMF best sellers, which currently includes books on China and India, Financial Globalization, and Europe's Financial Markets. For new publications, shortly before a book is published, it will become available for pre-orders.

The search capability of the e-Bookstore has also been greatly improved. Users are now able to browse by topic, region, country, and language, and to refine their search results.

In addition, certain groups may qualify for a discount. Customers in developing countries can access free electronic versions of publications, but will be charged for other publication formats. IMF statistical data services will be available at a lower price to individual users from developing countries. For more details, please see the e-Bookstore's pricing policy.

Over the next several months, new features will be added, including "recommended reading" lists, RSS feeds, and additional account management services. Cathy Willis, an External Relations Officer in the IMF's Editorial and Publications Division, who managed the e-Bookstore project, says "we hope to continue usability testing periodically to make sure that all users have a satisfying experience when navigating our site and ordering our products."

Please send feedback about the new e-Bookstore and ideas on how to improve the site to webmaster@imfbookstore.org.

Comments on this article should be sent to imfsurvey@imf.org