Macroeconomics of Climate Change - Green Public Finance (MCCx-GPF)
Deadline passed
Session No.: OL 24.245
Location: Course conducted online
Date: October 21, 2024 - December 31, 2024 (10 weeks)
Delivery Method: Online Training
Primary Language: English
Target Audience
All government officials are welcome to register. Officials in finance, economy, and planning ministries who provide advice on macroeconomic policies or implement policy will find the course particularly beneficial.
Some knowledge of economics is helpful. Access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection and a Google Chrome web browser is essential.
Course Description
This updated online course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development and Fiscal Affairs Department, serves as the sixth in a six-part Macroeconomics of Climate Change (MCCx) series. In this offering, you will learn about how countries can integrate climate change considerations into their public finance management.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:
- Identify the key linkages between climate change challenges and public investment management.
- Describe the Climate-PIMA tool and how it is applied in practice to support the integration of climate change considerations in public investment management.
- Define Green PFM and discuss its enabling role in combating climate change supported by country examples.
- Identify key entry points for mainstreaming climate change across and beyond the budget cycle.
- Identify key principles for effective implementation of a green PFM reform strategy.
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