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Macroeconomic Statistics

Financial Soundness Indicators (FSI)

Deadline passed

Session No.: CE 19.28

Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Date: November 17-28, 2019 (2 weeks)

Primary Language: English

Interpretation Language: Arabic

    Target Audience

    Officials at central banks and supervisory agencies for the financial sector who are involved in the collection, compilation, and analysis of financial soundness indicators.
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    Participants should have a degree in economics or statistics or equivalent experience.
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    Course Description

    This course, presented by the IMF Statistics Department, acquaints participants with the fundamentals of compiling and using financial soundness indicators (FSIs) to support macroprudential analysis. The course covers methodological and technical issues in the construction of FSIs as discussed in the Financial Soundness Indicators Compilation Guide as amended in 2007. It also incorporates planned updates to the Guide, including new FSIs for deposit takers, other financial corporations, nonfinancial corporations, and households. The core of the course is lectures on the following topics:

    • institutional sectors and financial markets;
    • consolidation bases and consolidation adjustments for FSIs;
    • regulatory framework for deposit takers;
    • accounting principles and sectoral financial statements for FSIs;
    • core and additional FSIs for deposit takers, other financial corporations, and other sectors;
    • peer group analysis and descriptive statistics;
    • financial sector surveillance and FSIs; and
    • macroprudential analysis and FSIs.

    Lectures are complemented by hands-on exercises, where participants work in groups to resolve practical questions of classification of financial institutional units, construction of reporting populations for FSIs, calculation of Basel solvency and liquidity ratios, production of sectoral financial statements and FSIs for deposit takers, and use of FSIs for financial sector surveillance. The course introduces templates for use in the regular reporting of FSI data and metadata to the IMF and provides guidance in accessing and using the IMF database for FSI data and metadata.

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    Course Objectives

    Upon completion of this course, participants should be able to:

    • Compile FSIs in accordance with the methodology of the FSI Guide, using source data obtainable from sectoral financial statements and supervisory report forms.
    • Calculate FSIs using different consolidation bases and interpret the different results obtained.
    • Analyze and interpret FSIs compiled for the financial sector and their use in financial sector supervision and macroprudential policy.
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