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IMF Institute Curriculum

The IMF’s Institute for Capacity Development (ICD) curriculum is more focused, linked to well-defined learning objectives, and provides greater emphasis on lessons learned from crises and global economic developments (linkages and spillovers, global imbalances, and policy coordination). The CY2025 catalog for course offerings can be accessed here.

The table provides a listing of the courses offered by the IMF Institute through the redesigned curriculum and grouped around thematic topics.

The table illustrates paths country officials attending ICD courses might take to progress from introductory offerings to the advanced courses for each topic. It also suggests which courses should be taken first as a foundation for topics discussed in the intermediate and advanced levels. Courses offered exclusively online are indicated with an “x” in the course abbreviation. The progression table applies only to ICD courses. Other IMF training departments should be contacted directly for suggestions on progression paths for their courses.


Progression Table
Financial Sector Policies Online Course on Financial Market Analysis (FMAx) Central Bank Digital Currencies: Principles and Policy Considerations (CBDC)

Financial Development and Financial Inclusion (FDFI)

Fintech Market Development and Policy Implications (FINTECH)

Financial Sector Surveillance (FSS)

Financial Sector Policies (FSP)
Financial Markets and Instruments (FMI)
Fiscal Policy Fiscal Policy Analysis (FPA) Fiscal Frameworks (FF)

Fiscal Sustainability (FS)

Online course on Debt Sustainability and Debt Management (DSMx)
General Macroeconomic Analysis Financial Programming and Policies (FPP)

Online Course on Financial Programming and Policies, Part 1: Macroeconomic Accounts and Analysis (FPP.1x)

Online Course on Financial Programming and Policies, Part 2: Program Design (FPP.2x)
Macroeconomic Diagnostics (MDS)

Online Course on Macroeconometric Forecasting (MFx)

Online Course on Macroeconomic Diagnostics (MDSx)
Macroeconometric Forecasting and Analysis (MFA)

Monetary and Fiscal Policy Analysis with DSGE Models (DSGE)
Monetary, Exchange Rate, and Capital Account Policies Macroeconomic Policy Communication (MPC) Monetary Policy (MP)

Exchange Rate Policy (ERP)

Managing Capital Flows: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policies (MCF)

Online Course on Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting (MPAFx)
Model-Based Monetary Policy Analysis and Forecasting (MPAF)
Inclusive Growth and Structural Policies Macroeconomics of Gender Equality (GM)

Online Course on Energy Subsidy Reform (ESRx)
Inclusive Growth (IG)

Economic Issues in Regional Integration (ERI)

Macroeconomic Management in Resource Rich Countries (MRC)

Macroeconomics of Climate Change (MCC)

Online Course on Macroeconomic Management in Resource-Rich Countries (MRCx)
Vulnerability Diagnostics (VDS)