
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is committed to being transparent about its work, to explaining itself, and to listening to the people whom it affects, and it engages with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), parliamentarians, Think-Tanks and youth leaders through information sharing, dialogue, and consultation at both the global and national level.

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Annual Meetings 2024: Civil Society Policy Forum

Civil Society Policy Forum Schedule

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Spring Meetings 2024: Civil Society Policy Forum

Civil Society Policy Forum Schedule

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Annual Meetings 2023: Civil Society Policy Forum


Civil Society Policy Forum Schedule

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Spring Meetings 2023: Civil Society Policy Forum

The Civil Society Policy Forum (CSPF) is a key event during the International Monetary Fund- World Bank Group Spring and Annual Meetings. This weeklong forum provides an open space for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to dialogue and exchange views with IMF and World Bank Group staff, their peers, government delegations, and other stakeholders on a wide range of shared development issues. As part of the Spring Meetings 2023, the CSPF took place from April 11 to April 14. You will find the recording of the sessions available below.

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IMF’s Engagement on Climate Issues, February 2023

On February 10th 2023, the IMF team working on climate change had a meeting with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) working on climate issues. In this meeting, IMF staff updated CSOs on the implementation of the IMF climate change strategy, helping member countries address policy challenges, together with an introduction to the Resilience and Sustainability Trust (RST).


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Webinar on Promoting the Effective Use of COVID-19 Finances: A Discussion with SSA Civil Society Organizations
July 14, 2020

On July 14, 2020, the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) Africa Training Institute hosted a webinar titled: Promoting the Effective Use of COVID-19 Finances: A Discussion with sub-Saharan Africa Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). Over 70 CSOs representing local and national entities were in attendance along with IMF staff from the African, Legal, Fiscal Affairs, Communications, and Strategy, Policy and Review departments. CSOs welcomed the quick emergency support to SSA countries, the emphasis on saving lives and the efforts taken by the IMF to push for transparency measures in the use of the COVID-19 funds. They also pointed to the value of having a good balance between providing essential financing and the need for a more structured CSO-led approach for monitoring and tracking the use of funds in countries. CSO also called upon the IMF to keep updating them on this topic and they also committed themselves to continue keeping an eye on how COVID-19 funds are being spent in their countries. 

Additional details:

Presentation by Rhoda Weeks–Brown, General Counsel and Director, Legal Department, IMF

Presentation by Vitor Gaspar, Director, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF

Message from Abebe Aemro Selassie, Director, African Department, IMF

Workshop with Civil Society representatives from Nigeria
November 12-13 2019

On November 12-13 2019, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) organized a workshop with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from Nigeria. 12 participants representing CSOs from the various sub-regions of the country were in attendance at this workshop that was held in Abuja. The participants represented a range of CSOs that are working on social and economic related issues. CSOs and IMF staff in attendance engaged with each other on issues concerning inclusive and sustainable growth, revenue mobilization, gender, climate change, inequality, corruption and IMF engagements in Nigeria. As such, this was also an opportunity for the CSOs to get a better understanding of the role of the IMF in the country. “It was my great pleasure to help clarify the role of the IMF to CSOs from Abuja and various regions of Nigeria. Looking forward to future and regular exchange of views on Nigeria’s development priorities and how the IMF can contribute”, said Amine Mati, IMF’s Senior Resident Representative and Mission Chief in Nigeria.

Workshop with Civil Society representatives from the Maghreb
November 7-8, 2019

The IMF organized a workshop with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from the Maghreb region in Rabat, Morocco. 15 participants representing CSOs based in Algeria, Mauritania, Morocco, and Tunisia attended the two-day seminar in Arabic and French. It was an opportunity for participants to get a better understanding of the role of the IMF, especially in the region, and to exchange views with IMF staff on important issues in their countries such as gender, corruption, unemployment (especially for youth and women), Maghreb economic integration, fiscal policy and income inequality. The IMF 2021 Annual Meetings will take place in Marrakesh, Morocco in October 2021.

Workshop with Civil Society Representatives from the CEMAC region
March 25-26, 2019

On March 25-26, the IMF organized its second workshop with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC). 17 participants representing CSOs or regional CSO networks based in the Gabon, Chad, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Congo and Equatorial Guinea attended the two-day seminar in French. It was an opportunity for participants to get a better understanding of the role of the IMF, especially in the region, and to exchange views and thoughts with IMF staff on important issues in their countries such as fiscal policy, gender and income inequality, Anti-Corruption, debt and jobs and employment.

Workshop with Civil Society Representatives from East and South East Asia in Manila, Philippines
June 19-20, 2018

On June 19-20, the IMF organized a workshop with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) from East and Southeast Asia in Manila, the Philippines. Fifteen participants representing CSOs or regional CSO networks based in the Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia and Indonesia attended the two-day seminar. It was an opportunity for participants to get a better understanding of the role of the IMF, especially in the region, and to exchange views and thoughts with IMF staff on important issues in their countries such as fiscal policy, gender and income inequality, Anti-Corruption, debt and jobs and employment. This workshop was also a way to listen to the views and concerns of CSOs from the region ahead of the IMF-World Bank 2018 Annual Meetings that will take place in Bali, Indonesia on October 9 – 13.

Opportunity for All: Promoting Growth, Jobs, and Inclusiveness in the Arab World
January 28-29, 2018

On the sidelines of the regional conference “Opportunity for All: Promoting Growth, Jobs, and Inclusiveness in the Arab World”, the IMF held a CSO workshop which included about 30 civil society organizations from the region in Marrakech, Morocco on January 28-29, 2018. The workshop focused on topics related to fiscal policy which included energy subsidies and social safety nets, fair taxation and public wage bill management in the Middle East and North Africa region. CSOs expressed their perspectives on the various issues and exchanged views with senior IMF staff that attended the workshop. CSOs played a key role during the conference where some of them moderated the innovation lab sessions and participated in the various sessions throughout the conference. At the end of the conference, CSOs issued a statement welcoming the IMF’s outreach efforts and sharing their perspectives on the IMF’s policies in the region and the IMF’s work on inequality and inclusive growth.

CSO and Youth Fellowship Program

Over the past 14 years, the IMF has sponsored more than 700 CSOs from low income countries and emerging markets to come to our Annual and Spring Meetings. Watch the video to learn more about our CSO and Youth Fellowship Program.

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Progress in Implementing the Framework for Enhanced Fund Engagement on Governance

This paper provides an interim update on implementation of the 2018 Framework for Enhanced Fund Engagement on Governance. This update is in advance of a comprehensive formal review of the Framework scheduled for mid-2021.

Review of Implementation of IMF Commitments in Support of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

This paper reviews the implementation of the initiatives the IMF committed to in 2015 to support developing countries in pursuing the 2030 agenda for sustainable development, including (i) strengthening national tax systems; (ii) tackling large infrastructure gaps; (iii) promoting economic inclusion; (iv) the development of domestic financial markets; (v) intensifying engagement in fragile and conflict-affected states; (vi) improving economic statistics; (vii) expanding the financial safety net for developing countries; and (viii) addressing macroeconomic aspects of climate change.

A Strategy for IMF engagement on social spending

Interest in social spending issues has intensified over the last decade. This reflects concerns about rising inequality and the need to support vulnerable groups, especially in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. In line with this, the Fund has also increased its engagement on social spending issues. This paper outlines a strategy to guide IMF engagement on social spending issues going forward

How to Operationalize Gender Issues in Country Work

This note provides examples of good practice with respect to coverage of gender issues in country reports and lays out the resources available to country teams, both with respect to existing analytical work as well as the availability of data and tools.

How to Operationalize Inequality Issues in Country Work

This note provides examples of good practices with respect to coverage of inequality-related issues in country reports and lays out the resources available to country teams, both with respect to existing analytical work as well as the availability of data and tools. 

Fiscal Monitor: Tackling Inequality

Rising inequality and slow economic growth in many countries have focused attention on policies to support inclusive growth. This Fiscal Monitor discusses how fiscal policies can help achieve redistributive objectives. It focuses on three salient policy debates: tax rates at the top of the income distribution, the introduction of a universal basic income, and the role of public spending on education and health.

IMF Framework for Engagement on Governance/Anti-corruption

The Framework is designed to promote more systemic, effective, candid, and even-handed engagement with member countries regarding governance vulnerabilities, including corruption, that are judged to be macroeconomically critical.

A Post-Pandemic Assessment of the Sustainable Development Goals 

This Staff Discussion Note assesses the current state of play on funding SDGs in five key development areas: education, health, roads, electricity, and water and sanitation, using a newly developed dynamic macroeconomic framework.