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IMF employees, as international civil servants, are expected to adhere to the highest standards of professional and personal conduct, as guided by the IMF’s core values of integrity, respect, impartiality, honesty, inclusion, and excellence. To help promote good governance within the organization, the IMF has established the Integrity Hotline, a confidential and anonymous service available online or by phone to anyone, anywhere, at any time for reporting suspected misconduct involving IMF employees.
To ensure confidentiality, the Integrity Hotline is operated by NAVEX Global, an independent third-party service provider, via its EthicsPoint® secure web servers and telephone contact centers. When making a new report you can choose to identify yourself or remain anonymous, and no efforts will be made to identify you. NAVEX Global will relay your report to the IMF’s Office of Internal Investigations (OII) for review, follow-up, and possible investigation. All information provided will be handled with strict confidentiality. At the end of making a new report, report access information will be provided, which you can use to check for any follow-up information through the Integrity Hotline.
To make a new report of suspected misconduct involving IMF employees, or to follow-up on an existing report, please contact the Integrity Hotline using the following options:
Dial +(1) 800.548.5384
Toll-free within the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Canada
Please note that the Integrity Hotline is not a 911 or emergency service. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.
The Integrity Hotline is available online or by phone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is always free to use online and by phone it is toll-free within the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Canada.
The Integrity Hotline is operated by NAVEX Global, a third-party service provider, via its EthicsPoint® secure web servers and telephone contact centers. The Integrity Hotline is not operated by the IMF or any IMF employees, including OII staff.
IMF employees who use the Integrity Hotline or otherwise report suspected misconduct in good faith will be fully protected against any form of retaliation.
The Integrity Hotline is NOT equipped with caller ID, recorders, or other devices that can trace your phone number or electronic device. If you choose to remain anonymous, no efforts will be made to identify you.
Reports received through the Integrity Hotline are relayed to OII for review, follow-up, and possible investigation. Use the report access information provided at the end of your report to check for any follow-up through the Integrity Hotline as well as communicate confidentially and anonymously with OII.
The Integrity Hotline can be used to report suspected misconduct involving IMF employees. The IMF considers misconduct as any professional or personal actions or behaviors that are contrary to, or inconsistent with, the IMF’s Staff Regulations, Staff Code of Conduct, or any other rule, policy, or procedure governing the standards of conduct of IMF employees. Examples of misconduct include:
If you have received calls, emails, social media messages or other communications claiming to be from the IMF or an IMF employee and offering grants or payments in exchange for personal information or an advance fee, please do not respond. These are scams that should be reported to your local authorities.
The IMF is an intergovernmental organization whose transactions and operations are carried out directly with its member countries. The IMF does NOT endorse the activities of any bank, financial institution, or other public or private agency, nor does it authorize, verify, monitor, or assist in contract or inheritance payments between third parties.
While you may report scam attempts involving the IMF through the Integrity Hotline, in most circumstances it will result in you being advised it is a scam that should be reported to your local authorities. The IMF is not otherwise in position to take further action to investigate scam attempts or to assist in the recovery of lost payments.
For more information, please visit
The Integrity Hotline is a confidential and anonymous service available online or by phone to anyone, anywhere, at any time for reporting suspected misconduct involving IMF employees.
The Integrity Hotline is operated by NAVEX Global, an independent third-party service provider contracted by the IMF to confidentially and anonymously obtain and relay reports of suspected misconduct involving IMF employees. NAVEX Global is a worldwide leader in integrated risk and compliance management software and services. For more information about NAVEX Global, please visit:
Anyone. The Integrity Hotline is not only available to all IMF staff members, contractual employees, and vendor personal, but also to members of the public.
Anywhere. The Integrity Hotline is available online or by phone anywhere in the world.
Anytime. The Integrity Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
No. You will be asked to provide the same information when making a report online or by phone. Both methods provide the same security, confidentiality, and anonymity features.
NAVEX Global employs communication specialists who speak more than 150 languages. Be sure to ask if a communication specialist in your language of choice is available if making a report by phone. If making a report online, NAVEX Global will relay your report written in your language of choice to OII, which can arrange for it to be translated alongside any follow-up communications.
Yes. The Integrity Hotline accepts reports concerning IMF staff members, contractual employees, vendor personnel, and Members of the Executive Board. Please note that reports concerning Board members will be referred to the Chair of the Ethics Committee of the Executive Board in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Members of the IMF Executive Board.
NAVEX Global, the third-party service provider of the Integrity Hotline, relays reports received through the Integrity Hotline to OII for review, follow-up, and possible investigation. OII follows-up on all reports received through the Integrity Hotline. You can use the report access information provided at the end of your report to check for any follow-up through the Integrity Hotline, as well as to communicate confidentially and anonymously with OII.
You are not required to identify yourself or provide any contact details to make a report through the Integrity Hotline. NAVEX Global, the third-party service provider of the Integrity Hotline, is not equipped with caller ID, recorders, or devices that can trace the phone number or device from which your report is made.
You may identify yourself if you wish to do so. Please note that if you choose to remain anonymous it may limit OII’s ability to thoroughly review, follow-up, and potentially investigate your report. Information provided anonymously may also be referred to another office if deemed warranted.
IMF staff members, contractual employees, interns and volunteers who use the Integrity Hotline or otherwise report information about suspected misconduct in good faith will be fully protected against any form of retaliation.
No. The Integrity Hotline is intended to supplement the IMF’s other established reporting mechanisms, which include supervisors, departmental HR teams, Department Heads, the Human Resources Department (HRD), the Ethics Office (ETO), and OII.
An Oversight Committee has been established by the IMF to support and oversee the operations of the Integrity Hotline. It is chaired by the Director of HRD and includes many senior officials at the IMF, such as the Internal Investigator and the Ethics Adviser, as well as a representative of the IMF’s Staff Association Committee (SAC). The Oversight Committee meets three time a year to review a summary report of the allegations received by the Integrity Hotline. These reports are provided to the Oversight Committee in a manner that does not compromise the confidentiality or anonymity of reporters. In addition, an anonymized summary report is made available annually to the IMF’s External Audit Committee.
You may still make a report through the Integrity Hotline. Procedures have been put in place to ensure that NAVEX Global, the third-party service provider of the Integrity Hotline, relays any such reports to responsible officials in the IMF’s Legal Department (LEG).
Questions about the Integrity Hotline may be submitted through the Integrity Hotline. You may also contact OII directly at