
Closing Plenary – Minister of Finance Sigbjørn Johnsen, Norway

It has been a great pleasure to receive all of you in Oslo for this unique conference. It has been a privilege to listen and take part in our discussions today.

Yes, we can make a difference!

Yes, this conference can constitute a turning point for international cooperation on growth, employment and social cohesion!

And I also know that with an appropriate policy response we can facilitate a job-intensive international recovery. If we fail to implement the right policies, we risk that unemployment remains high for decades, with huge costs to individuals and societies.

Oslo Conference Calls for Action to Avoid Jobless ‘Lost Generation’

  • Spotlight on human costs of around 210 million unemployed across the world
  • Solutions seen in job-focused policy response, job training, social protection
  • Global crisis not over until unemployment starts falling

The global recession has created a “wasteland of unemployment” that is likely to leave scars on society for years to come, unless action is taken to address the jobs crisis, IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn warned.

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ILO Director-General introductory remarks to ILO/IMF Conference on "The Challenges of Growth, Employment and Social Cohesion"

Dear Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, thank you for hosting us, here in Oslo, with a long tradition of global dialogue for effective and coherent international action.
Dear President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf,
Dear Prime Minister George Papandreou,
Querido Presidente Rodriguez Zapatero,
Dear Ministers,
Cher Dominique,
Dear Friends,
Thank you all for having responded to our joint invitation.
Thank you to the political leaders joining us on this occasion.
Each of you, in different national circumstances, in difficult situations, is leading courageous battles. We are with you.

New inequality stunts global recovery

By Kemal Dervis

Published: September 13, 2010
Economists have argued that monetary policies a combination of low interest rates and either more government spending or less taxes can bring effective demand closer to potential output, reducing unemployment and idle capacity in the process.

The Challenges of Growth, Employment, and Social Cohesion—Opening Remarks

By Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Oslo, September 13, 2010
Good morning. It’s a great privilege to be here, among such distinguished guests, to discuss the most urgent topic facing policymakers today—growth and jobs.

We Must Tackle the Jobs Crisis Now

By Juan Somavia, Jens Stoltenberg and Dominique Strauss-Kahn
first published in El Pais, September 12, 2010

Sharp Rise in Unemployment from Global Recession

  • Conference to address jump in unemployment, long-term effects
  • More than 440 million new jobs needed over next 10 years