Technical Assistance Reports

Indonesia: Technical Assistance Report-Report of the Diagnostic Mission on Macro-relevant Climate Change Statistics (July 10–13, 2023)

February 12, 2025

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International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept. "Indonesia: Technical Assistance Report-Report of the Diagnostic Mission on Macro-relevant Climate Change Statistics (July 10–13, 2023)", Technical Assistance Reports 2025, 017 (2025), accessed March 28, 2025,

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Indonesia’s key climate change policy related-data needs stem from well-defined domestic policy priorities and international commitments. The domestic policy priorities are set in the long-term strategy for low-carbon and climate resilience as well as in the medium-term national plan that among others seeks to strengthen the environment condition and improving resilience against natural disasters and climate change. Indonesia has been producing a wide range of environmental and climate change related statistics since early 1980’s, but further enhancements are needed. The authorities are publishing several reports related to environmental statistics and environmental accounts (physical air emission accounts; physical energy flow accounts; physical and monetary assets account for land, timber, minerals and energy resources), albeit with some discrepancies between reports. In this context, a mission took place from July 10–13, 2023, funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs and hosted by Badan Pusat Statistik, Indonesia. During this mission, discussions with authorities focused on key priorities and identifying the needed methodological improvement to physical energy flows and air emission accounts.

Subject: Climate change, Climate policy, Environment, Greenhouse gas emissions, Non-renewable resources

Keywords: Climate change, Climate change statistic, Climate policy, Environmental and Climate Change Statistics, Global, Greenhouse gas emissions, IMF's statistics department, Indonesia., Non-renewable resources, Policy priority, SECO, Statistics Activities, Statistics Indonesia

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