High-Level Summary Technical Assistance Reports

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Suphachol Suphachalasai, Junko Mochizuki, Karlygash Zhunussova, Sylke von Thadden-Kostopoulos, and Danielle N Minnett. "Papua New Guinea: Papua New Guinea", High-Level Summary Technical Assistance Reports 2025, 008 (2025), accessed March 18, 2025, https://doi.org/10.5089/9798229004244.029

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This technical assistance conducts a Climate Policy Diagnostic (CPD) for Papua New Guinea, covering climate adaptation and mitigation policy, as well as enabling institutions. Climate-related risks are macro-critical considerations for Papua New Guinea, while the country faces acute policy challenges in addressing climate-development nexus. This CPD identifies policy reforms that are good for climate and economic growth and promote fiscal sustainability. A systematic policy approach is needed to strengthen the climate resilience of water supply sector and disaster risk management. Carbon pricing can play a major role in the fiscal policy package to encourage climate actions in the energy and forestry sectors. Increasing the Treasury’s engagement and strengthening cross-sectoral coordination would also help unlock climate investment.

Subject: Climate change, Climate finance, Climate policy, Environment, Natural disasters, Water resources

Keywords: Asia and Pacific, Climate adaptation, Climate change, Climate finance, Climate mitigation, Climate policy, Climate policy agenda, Climate-development nexus, Fiscal policy, Global, Mitigation policy, Natural disasters, Policy reform, Water resources

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