IMF Policy Discussion Papers

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August 1, 1996

The First-Round Monetary and Fiscal Impact of Bank Recapitalization in Transition Economies

Description: The First-Round Monetary and Fiscal Impact of Bank Recapitalization in Transition Economies

June 1, 1996

Regulatory and Tax Treatment of Loan Loss Provisions

Description: Provisioning for loan losses is a method for recognizing the reduction in the value of a hank’s loan portfolio. Provisions are an essential element of prudential risk management and capital adequacy measurement and an important market signal. Loan loss provisions constitute a normal operating expense and should be deducted from taxable income provided that banks adhere to consistent and strictly enforced provisioning procedures, and provided that these mirror loan default probabilities. The argument for harmonized regulatory and tax treatment of loan loss provisions can be based on the economic similarity between loan losses and depreciation of machines and equipment. Tax deductibility of loan loss provisions does not imply a tax deferral or a special subsidy for banks.

June 1, 1996

Fiscal Dimensions of EMU

Description: Fiscal Dimensions of EMU

May 1, 1996

Social Protection in Transition Countries: Emerging Issues

Description: The paper discusses the social protection implications of the weakening financial and administrative capacity of countries undergoing economic transition. The formal sector is shrinking, and unemployment and underemployment are rising rapidly. This is affecting both the revenue base of social protection programs and the ability of these countries to target social benefits. These developments make it imperative for these countries to restructure social benefits, rely more on self-targeting mechanisms to deliver benefits, as well as take immediate steps to improve payroll tax compliance. This is a Paper on Policy Analysis and Assessment and the author(s) would welcome any comments on the present text Citations should refer to a Paper on Policy Analysis and Assessment of the International Monetary Fund, mentioning the author(s) and the date of issuance. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the Fund.

April 1, 1996

Borrowing by Subnational Governments: Issues and Selected International Experiences

Description: This paper presents various models of control with advantages and disadvantages, the balance of which would make it more or less suitable to a particular country's circumstances. As these circumstances evolve—as fiscal and macro imbalances improve or worsen—the preferable model may change over time. Although appealing in principle, sole reliance on market discipline for government borrowing is unlikely to be appropriate in many circumstances. This is so, because one or more of the conditions for its effective working frequently are not realized in each particular country. The increasing worldwide trend toward devolution of spending and revenue-raising responsibilities to subnational governments seems likely to come into growing conflict with systems of administrative controls by the central government on subnational borrowing. Rules-based approaches to debt control would appear preferable, in terms of transparency and certainty, to administrative controls and also to statutory limits defined in the context of the annual budget process, the outcome of which may be unduly influenced by short-term political bargaining.

April 1, 1996

Agricultural Credit in the Baltics, Russia, and Other States of the Former Soviet Union

Description: Agricultural Credit in the Baltics, Russia, and Other States of the Former Soviet Union

April 1, 1996

Ukraine's Gas Arrears: Issues and Recommendations

Description: This paper discusses issues related to the gas arrears ‘crisis’ in Ukraine. It concludes that the problem, which can be traced to policy distortions, can be contained through an acceleration of structural reforms. The paper examines the nature of the contractual relations between Ukraine and its foreign suppliers; the role of the de facto government guarantee for gas import payments; the process of imposing financial discipline on non-payers; the nature of gas-related subsidy schemes; and the methods used in calculating domestic energy prices. An Appendix derives lessons from the Estonian case--an economy which, despite relatively similar initial conditions, avoided the emergence of energy payment difficulties. This is a Paper on Policy Analysis and Assessment and the author(s) would welcome any comments on the present text. Citations should refer to a Paper on Policy Analysis and Assessment of the International Monetary Fund, mentioning the author(s) and the date of issuance. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the Fund.

March 1, 1996

Discretion with Rules? Lessons from the Currency Board Arrangement in Lithuania

Description: Discretion with Rules? Lessons from the Currency Board Arrangement in Lithuania


December 1, 1995

Singapore's Central Provident Fund

Description: Singapore's Central Provident Fund

June 1, 1995

A U.S. Value-Added Tax: A Review of the Issues

Description: This paper reviews issues related to the introduction of a value-added tax in the United States. In particular, the paper distinguishes between European-styled value-added taxes that are levied similarly to sales taxes, and value-added taxes that are levied through the business and personal income tax systems. The costs and benefits of such taxes, including their potential yield, are then discussed.

Notes: Reviews issues related to the introduction of a value-added tax in the United States.

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