Departmental Papers
Departmental Papers are usually focused on a specific economic topic, country, or region. They are prepared in a timely and cost-effective way to support the outreach needs of the IMF's area and functional departments.2024
January 29, 2024
Unlocking Climate Finance in Asia-Pacific: Transitioning to a Sustainable Future
Subject: Climate change Climate finance Climate policy Environment Greenhouse gas emissions International organization Political economy
November 29, 2023
Asia’s Perspectives on Climate Change: Policies, Perceptions, and Gaps
Subject: Climate change Climate finance Climate policy Environment Greenhouse gas emissions International organization Political economy
September 26, 2023
Navigating Fiscal Challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa: Resilient Strategies and Credible Anchors in Turbulent Waters
Subject: Expenditure Fiscal consolidation Fiscal policy Fiscal stance International organization Political economy Public debt
August 28, 2023
Strengthening Monetary Policy Frameworks in the Caucasus and Central Asia
Subject: Foreign exchange International organization Monetary policy Political economy Prices
June 8, 2023
Paving the Way to More Resilient, Inclusive, and Greener Economies in the Caucasus and Central Asia
May 5, 2023
Trade Integration in Africa: Unleashing the Continent's Potential in a Changing World
Subject: Economic integration Exports International organization International trade Political economy Tariffs Taxes Trade agreements Trade in goods Trade integration
March 27, 2023
Macroprudential Policy Effects: Evidence and Open Questions
Subject: Bank credit Countercyclical capital buffers Credit Financial regulation and supervision Financial sector policy and analysis International organization Macroprudential policy Macroprudential policy instruments Money Political economy
December 14, 2022