About Us

The Office of Internal Investigations (OII) was established in 2016 to conduct preliminary inquiries and administrative investigations into suspected misconduct involving IMF staff members and contractual employees.

OII carries out its responsibilities independent of any official, department, office, or other organizational entity of the IMF. OII is headed by the IMF’s Internal Investigator, who is appointed by the Managing Director, and is staffed by professional investigators and support personnel with extensive experience in conducting administrative investigations.

Patrice Sam, Head of OII

What we investigate

OII investigates allegations of misconduct involving IMF staff members and contractual employees. The IMF considers misconduct as any professional or personal actions or behaviors that are contrary to, or inconsistent with, the IMF’s Staff Regulations, Staff Code of Conduct, or any other rule, policy, or procedure governing the standards of conduct of IMF employees.

Examples of misconduct OII investigates include:

  • Harassment, including sexual harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Retaliation
  • Undisclosed conflicts of interest, including close personal relationships
  • Abuse of authority or favoritism
  • Disclosure of non-public or personal information
  • Misuse or misappropriation of IMF property and resources
  • Misrepresentation of information relating to entitlements or benefits
  • Failure to adhere to financial disclosure requirements
  • Accepting improper gifts
  • Prohibited or unauthorized public statements and publications
  • Prohibited or unauthorized political activities or other external activities
  • Domestic violence or family abuse
  • Failure to comply with legal obligations or a lawful court order (e.g., tax or family law obligations, laws applicable to the employment of a G-5 employee)

OII does not investigate allegations of misconduct involving the IMF Managing Director, Members of the Executive Board (Executive Directors, Alternates, and Advisors), or vendor personnel.

By-Laws Rules and Regulations of the International Monetary Fund - N--STAFF REGULATIONS

IMF Code of Conduct for Staff

How we investigate

OII investigations are intended to establish the facts and circumstances concerning alleged misconduct so the responsible IMF official – either the Managing Director or the Director of the Human Resources Department – may determine whether misconduct has been committed and if so, what, if any, disciplinary action is appropriate.

OII gathers and reviews any evidence concerning the allegations of misconduct and interviews possible witnesses or others who may be in position to provide relevant information. All aspects of OII’s investigations are conducted discreetly, with due regard for preserving the privacy of those involved. Persons interviewed by OII and others who may be called upon to assist the investigation are under a duty of confidentiality and cannot disclose the contents of their interviews or the nature of their participation to others.

OII has direct access to all IMF employees and to all IMF records relevant to matters under investigation. IMF employees, including an employee who is the subject of an investigation, have a duty to cooperate and provide requested information in a timely manner. IMF employees also have a duty not to interfere with the conduct of an investigation.

Upon completion of an investigation, OII submits its factual findings to the responsible IMF official, including conclusions about whether the allegations of misconduct have been substantiated, or whether the evidence exonerates the subject or is insufficient to make a finding. It is up to the responsible IMF official, and not OII, to determine whether misconduct occurred and, if so, any disciplinary measure(s) to be imposed.

IMF Integrity Hotline

To help promote good governance within the organization, the IMF has established the Integrity Hotline, a confidential and anonymous service available online or by phone to anyone, anywhere, at any time for reporting suspected misconduct involving IMF employees.

To ensure confidentiality, the IMF Integrity Hotline is operated by NAVEX Global, an independent third-party service provider, via its EthicsPoint ® secure web servers and telephone contact centers. NAVEX Global relays all reports of suspected misconduct received through the Integrity Hotline to OII for review, follow-up, and possible investigation.

For more information about the IMF Integrity Hotline, or to submit a report or follow up on an existing report, please visit IMF.org/integrityhotline.

Protection from Retaliation

The IMF does not tolerate any form of retaliation against anyone for engaging in a protected activity. The IMF considers retaliation to be any direct or indirect adverse action recommended, threatened, or taken because someone engaged in a protected activity. A protected activity is any of the following, done in good faith:

  • Raising an ethics concern through any of the established reporting mechanisms, including the Ethics Office (ETO), OII, or the Integrity Hotline;
  • Using the IMF’s dispute resolution mechanisms, including the IMF’s Ombudsperson, Mediator, Administrative Review process, Grievance Committee, or Administrative Tribunal;
  • Participating in any type or related proceeding as a witness;
  • Assisting another IMF employee in using those channels; or
  • Cooperating in the proceedings led by OII, the Office of Internal Audit (OIA), or the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO).

Retaliation is considered a form of misconduct which can be investigated by OII and, if substantiated, could result in disciplinary action and any adverse decision motivated by the retaliation being invalidated.

The IMF encourages employees to use the channels available for reporting suspected misconduct, raising ethics concerns, and participating in formal and informal dispute resolution. Moreover, IMF employees are required to cooperate with OII as well as with the IMF’s disciplinary and dispute resolution proceedings. IMF employees who believe that they have been subjected to retaliation may seek redress by reporting the matter to OII for independent review and/or investigation.

Contact Us

Anyone can report suspected misconduct involving IMF employees directly to OII. All information provided will be handled with strict confidentiality.

OII is based at the IMF’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., USA.

Office of Internal Investigations
International Monetary Fund
700 19th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C., 20431

OII can also be contacted confidentially and anonymously through the IMF Integrity Hotline.