Patrice Sam

Head, Office of Internal Investigations

Patrice Sam oversees independent administrative investigations into alleged misconduct implicating or adversely affecting the Fund’s staff, contractors, assets or activities. Mr. Sam has worked in the field of internal audit and investigations for more than 25 years. Since 2014, Patrice was the Head of Investigations at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva. Prior to this, Mr. Sam has held numerous investigation supervisory roles at the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). Mr. Sam has served in the public and private sector in audit and advisory capacities as Special Assistant to the Office of the Prosecutor of Paris and in PricewaterhouseCoopers in France and Singapore. He has also taught courses on the prevention, detection and investigation of corporate fraud at Haute Ecole de Gestion in Geneva, Switzerland.

Patrice holds MA-level degrees in Corporate Protection and Intelligence from the Institute of Higher Studies on Home Affairs, in Business Law from Rene Descartes University, and in Finance from Ecole de Management de Lyon, France. He is also certified in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) and as Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE).

Last Updated: June 28, 2024