Last updated: December 2005 Volume 52, Number 3 |

Contents |
Why Are Asset Markets Modeled Successfully, But
Not Their Dealers?
Rafael Romeu
Real Exchange Rates in Developing Countries: Are Balassa-Samuelson Effects Present?
Ehsan U. Choudhri and Mohsin S. Khan
The Internal Job Market of the IMF's Economist
Greg Barron and Felix Várdy
Banking on Foreigners: The Behavior of International Bank Claims on Latin America, 1985–2000
Maria Soledad Martinez Peria, Andrew Powell, and Ivanna Vladkova-Hollar
Assessing Early Warning Systems: How Have They Worked
in Practice?
Andrew Berg, Eduardo Borensztein, and Catherine Pattillo
Does SDDS Subscription Reduce Borrowing Costs for Emerging Market Economies?
John Cady
Special Data Section
Debt Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa
Jakob Christensen