Last updated: December 2005 Volume 52, Number 3 |

Special Data Section
Domestic Debt Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa
Jakob Christensen
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Abstract: This study discusses the role of domestic debt markets
in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) based on a new data set covering 27 SSA
countries during the 20-year period 1980–2000. The study finds
that domestic debt markets in these countries are generally small, highly
short term, and often have a narrow investor base. Domestic interest
payments present a significant burden to the budget, despite much smaller
domestic than foreign indebtedness. The use of domestic debt is also
found to have significantly crowded out private sector lending. Finally,
the study identifies significant differences among the size, cost, and
maturity structure of domestic debt markets in heavily indebted poor
countries (HIPCs) and non-HIPCs.
[JEL E43, E44, H63, O23, O55]