Last updated: December 2005 Volume 52, Number 3 |

Banking on Foreigners: The Behavior of International Bank Claims on Latin America, 1985–2000
Maria Soledad Martinez Peria, Andrew Powell, and Ivanna Vladkova-HollarFull Text of this Article (PDF 192K)
Abstract: The significant rise in foreign bank claims observed
during the 1990s, following their steep decline during the 1980s debt
crisis, reignited interest in understanding the behavior of these flows.
This paper analyzes changes in foreign bank claims on the Latin American
private sector over the period 1985–2000. We find that banks transmit
shocks from their home countries (where banks' headquarters are
located) and that changes in claims on individual host countries (those
that receive claims) are correlated with aggregate changes in claims
on other countries. However, over time, we observe that foreign bank
claims have become less responsive to external factors. Also, we present
evidence that the sensitivity of foreign bank claims to host factors
diminishes, as banks' aggregate exposure rises. Finally, we find
that foreign bank claims react more to positive than to negative host
shocks and are not significantly curtailed during crises.
[JEL G21, N26]