IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics, Annual Report 2006

Author/Editor: IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics
Publication Date: October 03, 2006
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Summary: This report constitutes the annual report of the IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics (Committee). The Committee, which held its annual meeting at the European Central Bank (ECB) in Frankfurt, Germany, in October 2006, was established in 1992 to improve the availability, consistency, and reliability of balance of payments and international investment position statistics worldwide. This annual report provides an overview of recent trends in balance of payments and international investment position statistics, discusses the Committee’s work program during 2006, and reviews the issues the Committee plans to address in the coming year.
Series: 2006
Frequency: Annually
Subject(s): Annual reports | Balance of payments statistics

Notes Also available in French and Spanish.
Publication Date: October 03, 2006
ISBN/ISSN: 1020-1637 Format: A web quality merged PDF
Stock No: ABPEW2006001
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