IMF Data Mapper®

Country practices for the compilation of cross-border informal economy data

Balance of Payments Coding System: guide, sequential list, topical list, sample codes

Balance of Payments Committee: annual reports, statistical papers

FAQs on Conversion from BPM5 to BPM6

Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6)

BPM6 Compilation Guide

Balance of Payments Newsletters: 1995 onwards

Balance of Payments Selected Publications And Documents: listing by topic

Direct Investment:
Coordinated Direct Investment Survey,
How Countries Measure FDI

SIMSDI Survey (latest metadata, report, etc.), Recommended Treatment of Selected FDI Transactions, Papers for Executive Board Seminar

Financial Derivatives: recent methodological developments

International Investment Position (IIP) Statistics Development of annual and quarterly IIP statistics

International Reserves: Country data on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity, Guidelines for a Data Template, sample reporting form, Guidelines for Foreign Exchange Reserve Management, etc.

International Trade in Services: recent methodological developments, Manual on Statistics on International Trade in Services

Portfolio Investment: CPIS Survey Guide, second edition, CPIS Data and Metadata

Remittances: meeting on measuring remittances, recent methodological and operational developments

Travel services methodology: country experiences in estimating travel services

See Also:

Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB): metadata on SDDS and GDDS data categories

External Debt Statistics: country debt data, Joint External Debt Hub, Guide for Compilers and Users, and other selected publications

World MapBalance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics

Last Updated: July 12, 2019

The Statistics Department of the IMF disseminates a wide range of information in the area of balance of payments and international investment position (IIP) statistics.

This material includes:

  • Data, including:

    • Data on the international reserves and foreign currency liquidity of selected countries

    • Data on external debt (in conjunction with the Bank for International Settlements, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, and the World Bank).

    • Data on portfolio investment from the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS)

  • Statistical Publications—where to obtain IMF data on balance of payments and IIP statistics.

  • Metadata including

    • Metadata describing the practices of 56 countries for compiling their data on foreign direct investment (FDI)

    • Metadata describing the practices of 63 economies for compiling their data on the coordinated portfolio investment survey (CPIS)

  • Research/Methodology, including:

    • Revision of the fifth edition of the Balance of Payments Manual A pre-publication draft version of the BPM6 is currently available (Draft Manual)

    • Manuals on balance of payments, external debt, financial derivatives, and statistics on international trade in services

    • Guidelines for the dissemination of data on international reserves and foreign currency liquidity, and for foreign exchange reserve management

    • Information on the Coordinated Portfolio Investment Surveys (CPIS) and the Surveys on the Implementation of Methodological Standards for Direct Investment (SIMSDI)

    • Information on the development of IIP statistics

    • Information on remittances statistics

    • The annual reports of the IMF Committee on Balance of Payments Statistics, and the statistical papers presented to that Committee

    • Country experiences in estimating data on travel services

    • Newsletters on topical issues

  • The coding system used for the balance of payments statistics.
To access more information on these topics, click on the titles shown in the sidebar to the left of this page.