International Monetary Fund

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The International Diffusion of Policies for Climate Change Mitigation

June 3 , 2022
Working Paper No. 2022/115  click for more

Tracking Economic and Financial Policies During COVID-19: An Announcement-Level Database

June 3 , 2022
Working Paper No. 2022/114  click for more

Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Dynamics in a Behavioral Open Economy Model

June 3 , 2022
Working Paper No. 2022/112  click for more

Fiscal Decentralization Improves Social Outcomes When Countries Have Good Governance

June 3 , 2022
Working Paper No. 2022/111  click for more

Systematizing Macroframework Forecasting: High-Dimensional Conditional Forecasting with Accounting Identities

June 3 , 2022
Working Paper No. 2022/110  click for more

Measuring Quarterly Economic Growth from Outer Space

June 3 , 2022
Working Paper No. 2022/109  click for more

Fintech, Female Employment, and Gender Inequality

June 3 , 2022
Working Paper No. 2022/108  click for more

Colombia: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Crisis Management, Resolution, and Safety Nets

June 3 , 2022
Country Report No. 2022/159  click for more

Luxembourg: 2022 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; and Staff Report for Luxembourg

June 3 , 2022
Country Report No. 2022/152  click for more

Luxembourg: Selected Issues

June 3 , 2022
Country Report No. 2022/153  click for more

Colombia: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Risk Analysis

June 3 , 2022
Country Report No. 2022/158  click for more

Colombia: Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note on Macroprudential Framework Policy and Tools Macroprudential Framework Policy and Tools

June 3 , 2022
Country Report No. 2022/157  click for more

Legal Barriers to Women’s Economic Empowerment

June 3 , 2022
When women begin to participate more in the economy, good things happen. There's more growth, less inequality, and greater financial stability.  click for more

Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2022 Article IV Mission on Common Policies of Member Countries

June 3 , 2022
Eastern Caribbean Currency Union: IMF Staff Concluding Statement of the 2022 Article IV Mission on Common Policies of Member Countries  click for more

Guyana: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2022 Article IV Mission

June 3 , 2022
Guyana: Staff Concluding Statement of the 2022 Article IV Mission  click for more

IMF Executive Board Concludes 2022 Article IV Consultation with Kingdom of Lesotho

June 3 , 2022
IMF Executive Board Concludes 2022 Article IV Consultation with Kingdom of Lesotho  click for more

Statement by IMF Deputy Secretary

June 2 , 2022
Statement by IMF Deputy Secretary  click for more

Blog: A Deeper Look at Forces Fragmenting Our World—and How to Respond

June 2 , 2022

Opening Remarks by First Deputy Managing Director Gita Gopinath at “At the Frontier: India's Digital Payment System and Beyond”

June 2 , 2022
Gita Gopinath addressed a webinar on digital payments, stressing their transformative potential amid the pandemic. She highlighted the risks of fragmented payment systems due to geopolitical tensions, emphasizing the need for global collaboration. Reserve Bank of India Deputy Governor Rabi Sankar provided insights into India's payment landscape, including the potential role of CBDCs.  click for more

Climate-Related Financial Risks and Green Finance: Select Issues for Policy Makers

June 1 , 2022
Concluding Remarks by Anne-Marie Gulde-Wolf, Acting Director, Asia and Pacific Department, IMF, presented at the conference on Climate-Related Financial Risks and Green Finance in Asia and Pacific Region, June 1, 2022  click for more

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