IMF Working Papers by Title

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Title: Harnessing Resource Wealth for Inclusive Growth in Fragile States
Author/Editor: Corinne Delechat ; Will Clark ; Pranav Gupta ; Malangu Kabedi-Mbuyi ; Mesmin Koulet-Vickot ; Carla Macario ; Toomas Orav ; Manuel Rosales ; Rene Tapsoba ; Dmitry Zhdankin ; Susan Yang
Series: Working Paper No. 15/25
Date: February 11, 2015
Subject(s): Natural resources | Guinea | Liberia | Sierra Leone | Inclusive growth | Social safety nets | Public investment | Fiscal policy | General equilibrium models
Title: Has the Great Recession Raised U.S. Structural Unemployment?
Author/Editor: Marcello M. Estevão ; Evridiki Tsounta
Series: Working Paper No. 11/105
Date: May 01, 2011
Subject(s): Economic models | Economic recession | Global Financial Crisis 2008-2009 | Labor markets | Unemployment
Author's Keyword(s): unemployment | skills mismatches | foreclosures
Title: Has the Nature of Crises Changed? A Quarter Century of Currency Crises in Argentina
Author/Editor: Choueiri, Nada ; Kaminsky, Graciela Laura
Series: Working Paper No. 99/152
Date: November 01, 1999
Subject(s): Financial crisis | Argentina | Exchange rate regimes | Monetary policy | Economic models
Title: Health Care and Its Financing in Italy: Issues and Reform Options
Author/Editor: Reviglio, Franco
Series: Working Paper No. 00/166
Date: October 01, 2000
Subject(s): Health care | Italy
Title: Health Spending in Japan: Macro-Fiscal Implications and Reform Options
Author/Editor: Masahiro Nozaki ; Kenichiro Kashiwase ; Ikuo Saito
Series: Working Paper No. 14/142
Date: August 04, 2014
Subject(s): Health care spending | Japan | Aging | Fiscal policy | Public health | Fiscal reforms
Title: HEAT! A Bank Health Assessment Tool
Author/Editor: Li L. Ong ; Phakawa Jeasakul ; Sarah Kwoh
Series: Working Paper No. 13/177
Date: August 09, 2013
Subject(s): Banks | Financial institutions | Bank soundness | Financial systems
Title: herd Behavior in Financial Markets - A Review
Author/Editor: Bikhchandani, Sushil ; Sharma, Sunil
Series: Working Paper No. 00/48
Date: March 01, 2000
Subject(s): Capital markets
Title: Heterogeneous Bank Lending Responses to Monetary Policy : New Evidence from a Real-time Identification
Author/Editor: John C Bluedorn ; Christopher Bowdler ; Christoffer Koch
Series: Working Paper No. 13/118
Date: May 22, 2013
Subject(s): Monetary policy | Banking sector | Loans | Economic models
Title: High Inflation and Real Wages
Author/Editor: Braumann, Benedikt
Series: Working Paper No. 01/50
Date: May 01, 2001
Subject(s): Inflation | Wages | Poverty | Economic models
Author's Keyword(s): inflation | real wages | poverty | Heckscher-Ohlin | cash-in-advance
Title: High Liquidity Creation and Bank Failures
Author/Editor: Zuzana Fungacova ; Rima Turk ; Laurent Weill
Series: Working Paper No. 15/103
Date: May 06, 2015
Subject(s): Banking sector | Russian Federation | Bank liquidity | Default
Title: A Historical Public Debt Database
Author/Editor: Abbas, S. M. Ali ; Belhocine, Nazim ; ElGanainy, Asmaa A ; Horton, Mark A.
Series: Working Paper No. 10/245
Date: November 01, 2010
Subject(s): Cross country analysis | Data collection | Databases | Gross domestic product | Public debt | Statistics | World Economic Outlook
Author's Keyword(s): Historical Debt | Public Debt | Gross Debt | Debt-to-GDP | Debt Database.
Title: Hitchhiker’s Guide to Inflation in Libya
Author/Editor: Serhan Cevik ; Katerina Teksoz
Series: Working Paper No. 13/78
Date: March 27, 2013
Subject(s): Inflation | Libya | Monetary policy | Fiscal policy | Economic models
Title: Home Sweet Home : Government's Role in Reaching the American Dream
Author/Editor: Evridiki Tsounta
Series: Working Paper No. 11/191
Date: August 01, 2011
Subject(s): Household credit | Housing prices | Loan guarantees | Tax exemptions | Tax rates | Taxation
Author's Keyword(s): Housing finance | homeownership | tax expenditures | government guarantees
Title: Hong Kong’s Growth Synchronization with China and the U.S.: A Trend and Cycle Analysis
Author/Editor: Dong He ; Wei Liao ; Tommy Wu
Series: Working Paper No. 15/82
Date: April 28, 2015
Subject(s): Economic growth | Hong Kong SAR | China | United States | Income | Consumption | Business cycles | Economic integration
Title: House Price Determinants in Selected Countries of the Former Soviet Union
Author/Editor: Stepanyan, Vahram ; Poghosyan, Tigran ; Bibolov, Aidyn
Series: Working Paper No. 10/104
Date: April 01, 2010
Subject(s): Business cycles | Capital inflows | Cross country analysis | Economic growth | External shocks | Former Soviet Union | Housing prices | Price elasticity | Workers remittances
Author's Keyword(s): House prices | pooled mean group estimator | the Former Soviet Union
Title: Household Financial Access and Risk Sharing in Nigeria
Author/Editor: Stacy Carlson ; Era Dabla-Norris ; Mika Saito ; Yu Shi
Series: Working Paper No. 15/169
Date: July 22, 2015
Subject(s): Africa | Nigeria | Financial services | Household consumption | Household credit | Private savings | Borrowing
Title: Household Production, Services and Monetary Policy
Author/Editor: Constant Lonkeng Ngouana
Series: Working Paper No. 12/206
Date: August 01, 2012
Subject(s): Economic models | External shocks | Services sector
Author's Keyword(s): Consumer services | DSGE model | Household production | Monetary shock | Nondurable goods | New Keynesian Phillips curve.
Title: Housing Price and Household Debt Interactions in Sweden
Author/Editor: Rima Turk
Series: Working Paper No. 15/276
Date: December 28, 2015
Subject(s): Housing prices | Sweden | Housing | Mortgages | Household credit | Debt | Econometric models
Title: How Accurate Are Private Sector Forecasts--Cross-Country Evidence from Consensus Forecasts of Output Growth
Author/Editor: Loungani, Prakash
Series: Working Paper No. 00/77
Date: April 01, 2000
Subject(s): Gross national product | Economic indicators | Economic recession | Economic growth | Developed countries | Developing countries | Transition economies | World Economic Outlook
Title: How Big (Small?) Are Fiscal Multipliers?
Author/Editor: Ethan Ilzetzki ; Enrique G. Mendoza ; Carlos A. Végh Gramont
Series: Working Paper No. 11/52
Date: March 01, 2011
Subject(s): Developed countries | Developing countries | Exchange rate regimes | External shocks | Government expenditures | Public debt