IMF Working Papers by Author

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Title: Government Debt Issuance in the Euro Area : The Impact of the Financial Crisis
Series: Working Paper No. 11/21
Date: January 01, 2011
Subject(s): Bond issues | Debt refinancing | Global Financial Crisis 2008-2009 | Sovereign debt
Author's Keyword(s): sovereign debt | fiscal policy | sovereign debt management
Title: The IMF's Government Finance Statistics Yearbook : Maps of Government for 74 Countries
Series: Working Paper No. 11/127
Date: June 01, 2011
Subject(s): Fund | Governance | Government Finance Statistics Yearbook
Author's Keyword(s): Fiscal statistics | fiscal indicators | government sectors | government structure
Title: Macroprudential Policy : What Instruments and How to Use them? Lessons From Country Experiences
Series: Working Paper No. 11/238
Date: October 01, 2011
Subject(s): Credit | Liquidity | Capital | Banks | Capital inflows | Credit risk | Developed countries | Emerging markets | Exchange rate regimes | Financial risk | Financial sector
Author's Keyword(s): macroprudential | instruments | systemic risk | procyclicality | interconnectedness | credit | liquidity | capital.
Title: Short-Term Wholesale Funding and Systemic Risk : A Global Covar Approach
Series: Working Paper No. 12/46
Date: February 01, 2012
Subject(s): Economic models | Financial institutions | Financial risk | International banks
Author's Keyword(s): Systemic Risk | Wholesale Funding | Liquidity Risk | Macroprudential Regulation
Title: Global Food Price Inflation and Policy Responses in Central Asia
Series: Working Paper No. 12/86
Date: March 01, 2012
Subject(s): Agricultural prices | External shocks | Price increases
Author's Keyword(s): Central Asia | inflation | food price shocks | policy responses | monetary policy | Kazakhstan | Kyrgyz Republic | Tajikistan | Uzbekistan
Title: Assessing Competitiveness Using Industry Unit Labor Costs : An Application to Slovakia
Series: Working Paper No. 12/107
Date: April 01, 2012
Subject(s): Current account deficits | Economic growth | Global competitiveness | Industrial sector | Labor costs | Productivity | Real effective exchange rates
Author's Keyword(s): Competitiveness | unit labor cost | exchange rate.
Title: Credit Growth and the Effectiveness of Reserve Requirements and Other Macroprudential Instruments in Latin America
Series: Working Paper No. 12/142
Date: June 01, 2012
Subject(s): Banking systems | Central bank policy | Credit | Credit expansion | Latin America | Monetary transmission mechanism | Reserve requirements | Macroprudential Policy
Author's Keyword(s): Reserve requirements | counter cyclical policy | credit | monetary transmission mechanism | interest rate spreads.
Title: Government Wage Bill Management and Civil Service Reform in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union
Author/Editor: A. E. Wayne Mitchell,Ronald James,Ann Marie Wickham
Series: Working Paper No. 19/110
Date: May 17, 2019
Title: Fragmentation and Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
Author/Editor: A. J. Al-Eyd ; Pelin Berkmen
Series: Working Paper No. 13/208
Date: October 04, 2013
Subject(s): Monetary policy | Euro Area | Capital markets | Sovereign debt | Bond issues | Banks | Interest rates | Credit risk | Monetary transmission mechanism | European Central Bank
Title: The Macroeconomic Effects of Public Investment : Evidence from Advanced Economies
Author/Editor: Abdul Abiad ; Davide Furceri ; Petia Topalova
Series: Working Paper No. 15/95
Date: May 04, 2015
Subject(s): Econometric models | Developed countries | Public investment | Public investment | Infrastructure | OECD | Fiscal policy | Time series
Title: Creditless Recoveries
Author/Editor: Abdul Abiad ; Giovanni Dell'Ariccia ; Grace Bin Li
Series: Working Paper No. 11/58
Date: March 01, 2011
Subject(s): Banking crisis | Bank credit | Credit expansion | Developed countries | Economic growth | Economic recovery | Emerging markets | Industrial investment
Author's Keyword(s): Credit cycles | credit crunch | banking crisis | financial dependence.
Title: The Rising Resilience of Emerging Market and Developing Economies
Author/Editor: Abdul Abiad ; John C Bluedorn ; Jaime Guajardo ; Petia Topalova
Series: Working Paper No. 12/300
Date: December 20, 2012
Subject(s): Emerging markets | Developing countries | Economic growth | Economic recovery
Title: How Does Trade Evolve in the Aftermath of Financial Crises?
Author/Editor: Abdul Abiad ; Petia Topalova ; Prachi Mishra
Series: Working Paper No. 11/3
Date: January 01, 2011
Subject(s): Bilateral trade | Economic models | Trade
Author's Keyword(s): trade | financial crises
Title: Sovereign Wealth Funds: Aspects of Governance Structures and Investment Management
Author/Editor: Abdullah Al-Hassan ; Michael G Papaioannou ; Martin Skancke ; Cheng Chih Sung
Series: Working Paper No. 13/231
Date: November 11, 2013
Subject(s): Sovereign wealth funds | Asset management | Investment policy | Corporate governance | Transparency | Risk management
Title: Commodity-based Sovereign Wealth Funds : Managing Financial Flows in the Context of the Sovereign Balance Sheet
Author/Editor: Abdullah Al-Hassan,Sue Brake,Michael G. Papaioannou,Martin Skancke
Series: Working Paper No. 18/26
Date: February 09, 2018
Title: The Euro-Area Government Spending Multiplier at the Effective Lower Bound
Author/Editor: Adalgiso Amendola,Mario di Serio,Matteo Fragetta,Giovanni Melina
Series: Working Paper No. 19/133
Date: June 28, 2019
Title: Labor Market Adjustments to Shocks in Australia
Author/Editor: Adil Mohommad
Series: Working Paper No. 17/124
Date: May 24, 2017
Title: Inclusive Growth, Institutions, and the Underground Economy
Author/Editor: Adil Mohommad ; Anoop Singh ; Sonali Jain-Chandra
Series: Working Paper No. 12/47
Date: February 01, 2012
Subject(s): Developing countries | Economic growth | Financial sector | Fund role | Governance | Shadow economy | Taxation
Author's Keyword(s): Underground economy | shadow economy | institutions
Title: Monetary Policy and Risk-Premium Shocks in Hungary : Results from a Large Bayesian VAR
Author/Editor: Adina Popescu ; Alina Carare
Series: Working Paper No. 11/259
Date: November 01, 2011
Subject(s): External shocks | Inflation targeting | Monetary transmission mechanism
Author's Keyword(s): Monetary policy | Risk premium shocks | Transmission mechanism | Large Bayesian VAR.
Title: Market Discipline and Conflicts of Interest Between Banks and Pension Funds
Author/Editor: Adolfo Barajas ; Mario Catalán
Series: Working Paper No. 11/282
Date: December 01, 2011
Subject(s): Asset management | Banking crisis | Banks | Economic models | Pension funds
Author's Keyword(s): conflicts of interest | institutional investors | pension funds | banks | market discipline