IMF Working Papers

Another Piece of the Puzzle: Adding Swift Data on Documentary Collections to the Short-Term Forecast of World Trade

By Narek Ghazaryan, Alexei Goumilevski, Joannes Mongardini, Aneta Radzikowski

December 17, 2021

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Narek Ghazaryan, Alexei Goumilevski, Joannes Mongardini, and Aneta Radzikowski. Another Piece of the Puzzle: Adding Swift Data on Documentary Collections to the Short-Term Forecast of World Trade, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 2021) accessed March 6, 2025

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This paper extends earlier research by adding SWIFT data on documentary collections to the short-term forecast of international trade. While SWIFT documentary collections accounted for just over one percent of world trade financing in 2020, they have strong explanatory power to forecast world trade and national trade in selected economies. The informational content from documentary collections helps improve the forecast of world trade, while a horse race with machine learning algorithms shows significant non-linearities between trade and its determinants during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Subject: Credit, Exports, Imports, International trade, Money, Trade balance, Trade finance

Keywords: Asia and Pacific, Australia and New Zealand, Credit, DFM forecast, Exports, Global, IMF working paper No. 21/293, IMF working papers, Imports, Linear regression forecast, Machine learning, Merchandise export, SWIFT, Trade balance, Trade finance, Trade forecast, Trade message

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  • Pages:


  • Volume:


  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    Working Paper No. 2021/293

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


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