Japan Administered Accounts
In 1990, Japan agreed to provide financial support for the IMF's technical assistance which contributes to the development of the productive resources of member countries by enhancing their capacity to formulate, implement and maintain an effective economic policy. Since then, Japan has been the largest contributor to the IMF's technical assistance activities. Japan's contributions are provided through the “Japan Subaccount under the Framework Administered Account for Selected Fund Activities”, and in the past, through the "Japan Administered Account for Selected Fund Activities", the, and the "Subaccount for Japan Advanced Scholarship Program". Through these three accounts, Japan contributes to the financing of the technical assistance program, activities of the IMF's Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Tokyo, and to the cost of two Scholarship Programs. Since 1990, Japan has made annual contributions totaling some US$402 million, of which US$346 million has been for technical assistance projects and the activities of the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, and US$35 million for the Asia Scholarship Program. In addition, since 1996, Japan has also contributed some US$22 million for the Advanced Scholarship Program.
Technical assistance activities

So far, a total of 1,905 technical assistance projects and 11 programs have been approved through FY2011. In FY2010, the JSA moved to a new programmatic approach. To-date, 125 different member countries of the IMF and some of the14 regional organizations and training institutions have been beneficiaries of technical assistance funded by Japan. Countries in the Asia and Pacific region have 40 percent and African countries have 24 percent of total project commitments of total project approvals, while Eastern Europe and Central Asian countries and African countries have received almost a quarter each of total project commitments. About 37 percent of projects have focused on monetary and financial systems issues, while 30 and 16 percent have been addressing fiscal issues and macroeconomic statistics, respectively. Another 12 percent has been financing training activities undertaken by the IMF Institute.
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
The responsibilities of the Regional Office in Tokyo include collaborative efforts between the IMF and Japan that strengthen economic prospects in the Asia Pacific region and includes support of various regional policy fora. The office also undertakes technical assistance activities benefiting countries in the region, including conferences on macroeconomic policy and on financial sector reform. The Regional Office helps to improve understanding of the international financial system in Japan and the region through public relations events as well as by releasing publications in the Japanese language. It also seeks to increase the representation of Japanese and other Asian nationals on the staff of the IMF by encouraging qualified applicants to apply for employment, and supporting the recruitment efforts of IMF headquarters through conducting interviews and holding informational seminars.
In addition, the Government of Japan also provides contributions for two scholarship programs. In 1996, the Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Advanced Studies, which is administered by the IMF Institute, was established. It supports nationals of Japan who undertake doctoral studies in economics in North America in order to pursue a career in international financial institutions, such as the IMF, or in their home administration. So far, a total number of 207 scholarships have been awarded under this program. The Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Asia, which was established in 1993, supports graduate studies in macroeconomics or a related field in leading universities in Japan for promising junior officials in central banks, ministries of finance or the economy, and financial supervisory agencies throughout Asia and the pacific region. The program is administered by the Regional Office in Tokyo, and 496 scholars have so far been awarded a scholarship.