Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Monitoring of Fund Arrangements (MONA)

Last Updated: January 14, 2009

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Q. What is MONA?

A. The Monitoring of Fund Arrangements, or MONA database, is an IMF-maintained database used to track comparable data on the economic objectives and outcomes of Fund-supported arrangements. Formerly an internal IMF database, MONA was introduced on in January 2009 as per a Board-endorsed recommendation arising from the IEO Evaluation of Structural Conditionality

Q. How frequently is the MONA database updated?

A. MONA questionnaires are posted to the website a few weeks following IMF Executive Board meetings at which a new arrangement is approved, or a review under an existing arrangement is concluded.

Q. What is MONA data coverage?

A. The MONA database covers most arrangements approved since 2002. The six arrangements which are not included are:
Bulgaria: SBA approved 2/27/2002
Congo, Democratic Republic of: PRGF approved 6/13/2002
Guyana: PRGF approved 9/13/2002
Macedonia (FYR): SBA approved 4/30/2003
Peru: SBA approved 2/1/2002
Turkey: SBA approved 2/4/2002

Q. What data are covered in MONA tables?

A. MONA data covers the following seven topics:

Description: An overview of the type of loan arrangement type, the duration of the arrangement, total access to Fund financing, whether the arrangement is being treated as precautionary, and provides comments related to augmentations, extensions, and other details of established programs;

Program Goals and Reform Strategies: A description of the links between program goals and strategies;

Purchases: Covers the proposed schedule for disbursements, and the revised, and actual disbursements under the arrangement;

Reviews: Covers the original schedule for Executive Board review, the revised schedule, and the actual program review dates;

Quantitative Performance Criteria: Covers the original schedule to criteria to be applied under the program, revisions, adjustments and actual values of quantitative performance criteria and the relevant test dates under the program;

Combined SPC PA SB: Covers structural conditions related to performance criteria (spc), prior actions (pa) required under the program, and program benchmarks (sb), including relevant test dates, and outcomes;

Macroeconomic: An overview of macroeconomic variables covering an eight-year span from "t-3" through "t+4", with "t" being the initial program year.

Q. Why is only limited data available from the Program Goals and Reform Strategies table?

A. The MONA table on Program Goals and Reform Strategies was introduced into the MONA database in August 2008, in response to a Board-endorsed recommendation arising from the IEO Evaluation of Structural Conditionality

Q. Can MONA data be included in written work?

A. MONA data can be included in written work as long as the database is cited accordingly. For copyright and usage information on IMF work see .

Q. Is MONA data downloadable?

A. Yes. MONA data are downloadable in Tab Delimited Values format which is compatible with Excel, and most statistical packages. To download, click on the "download data" icon found on the bottom of the report sheet following each query.

Q. Is the entire MONA database downloadable into a single spreadsheet?

A. No. The contents of the MONA database need to be exported by table. Topics covered by MONA are: 1) Description; 2) Program goals and reform strategies; 3) Purchases; 4) Reviews; 5) QPC; 6) Combined SPC PA SB; and 7) Macroeconomic.

Q. Are there any other data available besides what is downloadable from the MONA database?

A. No. All data that can be released to the public are incorporated into the MONA database. For more IMF data, see the "Data and Statistics" section of the IMF website