International Monetary Fund

Consultation on Financial Sector Taxation

IMF Seeks Views on Financial Sector Taxation

Last Updated: July 28, 2017


The IMF thanks all NGOs, academia, think tanks, private sector, governments and individuals who have provided written comments during the Financial Sector Taxation (FST) on-line consultation period. The on-line process has officially ended at the beginning of February. We will post the comments in the upcoming days.
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to

The IMF is seeking views from the public on the matter of financial sector taxation as part of a study of the issue requested by the G-20.

At the September 2009 G-20 Leaders Summit in Pittsburgh, the IMF was asked “to prepare a report for our next meeting with regard to the range of options countries have adopted or are considering as to how the financial sector could make a fair and substantial contribution toward paying for any burdens associated with government interventions to repair the banking system.”

The G-20 request came in the context of an international effort to define a policy response to spur recovery from the current global financial crisis and to prevent future crises.

In response to this request, IMF staff is conducting a wide-ranging study of financial sector taxation with the intent of presenting an initial analysis to the G-20 finance ministers in April 2010.

For the review, we would like to obtain external stakeholders’ views on the potential usefulness and impact of various approaches to financial sector taxation.

We request that comments be submitted by February 1, 2010, to allow their consideration for the study. All contributions should be sent by February 1, 2010 to

The comments, inputs and suggestions received will be treated in a confidential manner. Anonymous comments cannot be considered. All participants need to provide the following information: name, last name, organization, e-mail and phone number. The IMF Civil Society Team will receive the comments and will post a summary of them (some editions might be needed) on the IMF website. The comments will be submitted to the IMF team in charge of the overall Financial Sector Taxation exercise.

We expect to make comments available on the IMF website after January 1 in order to stimulate debate on the issue.

A second call for comment will take place after the initial IMF study is released.

We thank you in advance for providing your views.