Patrizia Tumbarello

Last Updated: May 29, 2024

Patrizia Tumbarello

Patrizia Tumbarello is Assistant Director, Mission Chief for Haiti, and Division Chief of the Caribbean III division in the Western Hemisphere Department (WHD) at the IMF. She is also the coordinator of capacity development (technical assistance and training) provided to WHD countries, WHD coordinator of the work of Fragile and Conflict-Affected States and of low-income countries. Previously she was the Chief of the Strategy, Standards, and Review Division—the surveillance division of the Statistics Department (STA), with purview of Article IV and Article VIII issues, leading the policy and operational work of the “Data Standards Initiatives” at the IMF (e-GDDS, SDDS, and SDDS plus), within and outside the institution; Review of the Policy Framework "Data Provision to the Fund for Surveillance Purposes" which facilitate the provision and dissemination of data for surveillance by member countries, in collaboration with the Strategy, Policy and Review Department (SPR) and the Legal Department (LEG); and “Third-Party Indicators” policy, with SPR. While in STA she was also responsible for STA Review of Fund's Policy and Country documents. She led the data standards missions to the UK (SDDS Plus), Saudi Arabia (SDDS), and to Angola (e-GDDS). Before joining STA, she was the Unit Chief of the Pacific Islands/Small States Unit in APD coordinating all the work of 12 small states in the Pacific. She advocated for the macro-criticality of climate change in IMF work to enhance resilience in small states already starting in 2009/2010, organizing high-level conferences with management and senior leaders’ participation, leading analysis, developing training for mission chiefs, co-leading Board papers and proposing in 2016, with WHD and SPR the introduction of Climate Change Policy Assessments, endorsed by the Board in 2016, and launched in 2017. During her tenure as mission chief for the Solomon Islands during 2011-16, she negotiated successfully and completed all reviews of the ECF and Standby Arrangements. She also conducted three Article IV consultations. She also advocated for regional and multilateral solutions to tackle the challenges Solomon Islands, a complex fragile state and more in general the Pacific islands, faced from a financial stability perspective, due to the loss of corresponding banking relationships (CBRs), meeting with the FED and key development partners, working closely with the WB and ADB. Her previous assignments included senior desk work on Australia (G20), low-income countries (Moldova, The Gambia), including few Pacific Islands (Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, and Samoa), EMs (Albania, Algeria, Morocco, and Vietnam), accumulating experience on a wide range of countries (surveillance, G20, program, small, fragile, LICs, and EMs). She also worked for five years in SPR on trade policy, multilateral surveillance, and DSA framework. Her research papers have focused on enhancing macroeconomic resilience to climate change, challenges faced by low-income-countries and fragile states in dealing with loss of CBR, on fiscal frameworks, trade integration, corporate, banks’, and households balance sheet’s vulnerabilities, and more recently on big data, on data transparency and governance, and on measuring the impact of digitalization and the pandemic on inequality. While in STA, she led the IMF work of the first Strategy on Data and Statistics at the Fund endorsed by the Board in 2018 managing a Fund wide Taskforce of 40 members, liaising with many external stakeholders and organizing the first data Hackathon at the Fund, which included also Google, Bloomberg, Haver, IFIs, and academia. The Data Strategy introduced transformational changes in the data governance within the IMF, by giving the statistics department primary responsibility for data management, and mainstreamed the use of big data at the IMF.


Fluent In: French, Italian, Spanish.


2000: Ph.D., Economics and Finance, Università di Roma Tor Vergata

1996-97: Harvard University, Special Student, Department of Economics

1995: Post master level degree: Economics of Financial and Capital markets, Received a certificate with distinction.

1994: M.A., Economics, Coripe Piemonte, Turin, Italy,

1992: Laurea Summa Cum Laude, Università di Roma La Sapienza

Referee Activities:

Journal of Economic Integration

Current Position:

Division Chief for the Caribbean III Division and Mission Chief to Haiti

Country work or Mission Assignment:

Assistant Director, Mission Chief for Haiti, and Division Chief of Caribbean III, WHD

SDDS Plus Mission Chief for the UK, 2021-22, STA

SDDS Mission Chief for Saudi Arabia, 2017-19, STA

e-GDDS Mission Chief for Angola, 2018, STA

Solomon Islands Mission Chief, 2011-16, APD

Australia, 2009-11, Senior desk APD

Kiribati Mission Chief, 2010-11, APD

Samoa, July 2009-January 2010, Senior desk APD

Papua New Guinea, 2008-09, Senior desk, APD

Vietnam, 2006-08, Economist APD

The Gambia, 12/2004-6/2005, SPR (Ex post assessment)

Albania, 2003-05, SPR economist

Moldova, 2000-02, SPR economist

Morocco, 1999-2000, EP, MCD

Algeria, 6/1999-12/1999, EP MCD


Teaching assistant, Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata, Macroeconomics, Prof. Nicola Rossi

IMF Career:

October 2022-Present, Mission Chief for Haiti, Western Hemisphere Department

September 2016-22, Division Chief, Strategy, Standards and Review Division, Statistics Department

August 2011-16: Unit Chief, Small States Unit, Mission Chief for Solomon Islands, Asia and Pacific Department

February 2009–July 2011, Senior Desk Economist for Australia, Asia and Pacific Department

December 2009-July 2011, Mission Chief for Kiribati, Asia and Pacific Department

March 2008–March 2009, Senior Desk Economist for Papua New Guinea, Asia and Pacific Department

June 2005–February 2008: Vietnam Desk Economist, Asia and Pacific Department

2000-May 2005: Economist, Trade Policy Division, Policy Development and Review Department

1999: Economist Program, Desk for Algeria and Morocco, Middle Eastern Department


Ph.d.: Does the Equity Premium Matter? Social Security Reform Under Uncertainty

M.A.: The 1992-93 European Financial Crisis: The Role of Rational Expectations in Financial Markets

Laurea: The Monetary Policy of British India, 1852-1931, in Italian

Prof. Dale Jorgenson (

Field of Expertise:

Development Economics

Poverty and Inequality

Open Economy Macroeconomics

Macro-Financial Issues

International Trade

IMF Books and Working Papers:

Big Data on Vessel Traffic: Nowcasting Trade Flows in Real Time , Working Paper No. 19/275 , December 13, 2019

Strengthening Fiscal Frameworks and Improving the Spending Mix in Small States , Working Paper No. 15/124 , June 19, 2015

Enhancing Macroeconomic Resilience to Natural Disasters and Climate Change in the Small States of the Pacific , Working Paper No. 15/125 , June 19, 2015

Resilience and Growth in the Small States of the Pacific , Working Paper No. 13/123 , May 22, 2013

Global and Regional Spillovers to Pacific Island Countries , Working Paper No. 12/154 , June 01, 2012

What Drives House Prices in Australia? A Cross-Country Approach , Working Paper No. 10/291 , December 01, 2010

Australian Bank and Corporate Sector Vulnerabilities--An International Perspective , Working Paper No. 09/223 , October 01, 2009

Are Regional Trade Agreements in Asia Stumbling or Building Blocks? Some Implications for the Mekong-3 Countries , Working Paper No. 07/53 , March 01, 2007

Regional Trade Integration and WTO Accession: Which is the Right Sequencing? An Application to the CIS , Working Paper No. 05/94 , May 01, 2005

IMF Country Reports

Solomon Islands: 2016 Article IV Consultation and Fifth and Sixth Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands: Request for an Extension of the Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility; Press Release; and Staff Report

Solomon Islands: Fourth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement.

Solomon Islands: Third Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria—Staff Report; Press Release; and Statement by the Executive Director for Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands: Second Review Under the Standby Credit Facility and Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility—Staff Report; Staff Supplement; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Solomon Islands.

Solomon Islands: First Review Under the Standby Credit Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria: Staff Report; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands : 2011 Article IV Consultation, Third Review Under the Stand-by Credit Facility, and Request for Arrangement Under the Stand-by Credit Facility: Staff Report; Staff Supplements; Public Information Notice and Press Releases; and Statement by the Executive Director for Solomon Islands.

Kiribati: 2011 Article IV Consultation-Staff Report, Informational Annexes, Debt Sustainability Analysis, Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion, and Statement by the Executive Director for Kiribati

Australia: Staff Report for the 2011 Article IV Consultation

Australia : 2010 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion

Fiscal Policy in Commodity Exporting Countries, Box 1.8 APD, 2010, Regional Economic Outlook

Australia : 2009 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion

Papua New Guinea: 2008 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Papua New Guinea

"The Impact of High Food and Fuel Prices in Low-Income Asia: What Implications for Inflation, Poverty and Policies" Box 1.2, Asia and Pacific Department Regional Economic Outlook, November 2008

"Are Regional Trade Agreements in Asia Open or Closed Blocs?" Box 10, Asia and Pacific Department Regional Economic Outlook, May 2006

"Regional Trade Integration in Asia", Box 2, Asia and Pacific Regional Update, January 2006

Vietnam: 2007 Article IV Consultation-Staff Report; and Debt Sustainability Analysis, Country Report No. 07/387

Vietnam: 2006 Article IV Consultation - Staff Report; and Debt Sustainability Analysis, Country Report No. 06/421

The Gambia: Ex Post Assessment of Longer-Term Program Engagement

Albania: Fourth Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, Request for a Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion, and Financing Assurances Review

Albania: Third Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, Request for a Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion, and Financing Assurances Review

Albania: Second Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility

Global Monitoring Report 2004—Policies and Actions for Achieving the MDGs and Related Outcomes SM/04/91 (two trade policy chapters in collaboration with the World Bank)

Achieving the MDGs and Related Outcomes—A Framework for Monitoring Policies and Actions, EB/CW/DC/03/3 (trade policy chapters)

Republic of Moldova—Staff Report for the 2002 Article IV Consultation, First Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, and Request for Waiver of Performance Criteria,” Country Report 02/190 (Appendix I, Debt Sustainability Analysis)

IMF Occasional Papers, Pamphlets, and Special Issues Papers

Australia: Households Vulnerabilities, with Ben Hunt

Determinants of the Current Account and Exchange Rate Assessment for Papua New Guinea, Chapter II, Papua New Guinea: Selected Issues, IMF Country Report No. 09/113

"Vietnam’s WTO Accession: Challenges and Opportunities", Chapter I, Vietnam: Selected Issues, IMF Country Report No. 07/385.

Does Vietnam Overtrade with Its Neighboring Countries? A Regional Investigation Using a Gravity Model", Chapter II, Vietnam: Selected Issues, IMF Country report No. 06/20

What Drives Inflation in Vietnam? A Regional Approach, Chapter 1

IMF Survey Articles

IMF Survey: Australian, New Zealand Banks Remain Sound During Global Crisis

IMF Survey: High Food, Fuel Prices a Threat Where Protection Limited

IMF Survey: Noodle Bowl' Risk of Trade Pact Overlap

IMF Survey: Joining WTO Will Boost Vietnam's Economy

Regional Integration and WTO Accession: What's the Right Sequencing for the CIS? September 2005

Other Published Materials

Challenges in Correspondent Banking in the Small States of the Pacific, IMF Working Paper, WP/17/ 90; (also Chapter in the "Handbook of Small States, edited by Lino Briguglio, published in June 2020)

Interview to IMF Deputy Managing Director Min Zhu on Pacific Challenges ahead of the High-Level Conference in Samoa on Resilience.

What Do Ship Movements Tell us About International Trade? A Big Data Story

High-level dialogue on Enhancing Resilience to Natural Disasters and Workshop for Officials, Hosted by the IMF and the Government of Fiji, Nadi, Fiji, June 2015

High-Level Conference: THE PACIFIC WAY: Lifting Potential Growth in the Pacific Islands, Hosted by the IMF and the Government of Vanuatu, Port Vila, Vanuatu, November 2013

High-Level Conference on Pacific Island Countries on Fostering Inclusive Growth and Enhancing Resilience Hosted by the IMF and the Government of Samoa, Apia, Samoa, March 2012

Patrizia Tumbarello

Patrizia Tumbarello is Assistant Director, Mission Chief for Haiti, and Division Chief of the Caribbean III division in the Western Hemisphere Department (WHD) at the IMF. She is also the coordinator of capacity development (technical assistance and training) provided to WHD countries, WHD coordinator of the work of Fragile and Conflict-Affected States and of low-income countries. Previously she was the Chief of the Strategy, Standards, and Review Division—the surveillance division of the Statistics Department (STA), with purview of Article IV and Article VIII issues, leading the policy and operational work of the “Data Standards Initiatives” at the IMF (e-GDDS, SDDS, and SDDS plus), within and outside the institution; Review of the Policy Framework "Data Provision to the Fund for Surveillance Purposes" which facilitate the provision and dissemination of data for surveillance by member countries, in collaboration with the Strategy, Policy and Review Department (SPR) and the Legal Department (LEG); and “Third-Party Indicators” policy, with SPR. While in STA she was also responsible for STA Review of Fund's Policy and Country documents. She led the data standards missions to the UK (SDDS Plus), Saudi Arabia (SDDS), and to Angola (e-GDDS). Before joining STA, she was the Unit Chief of the Pacific Islands/Small States Unit in APD coordinating all the work of 12 small states in the Pacific. She advocated for the macro-criticality of climate change in IMF work to enhance resilience in small states already starting in 2009/2010, organizing high-level conferences with management and senior leaders’ participation, leading analysis, developing training for mission chiefs, co-leading Board papers and proposing in 2016, with WHD and SPR the introduction of Climate Change Policy Assessments, endorsed by the Board in 2016, and launched in 2017. During her tenure as mission chief for the Solomon Islands during 2011-16, she negotiated successfully and completed all reviews of the ECF and Standby Arrangements. She also conducted three Article IV consultations. She also advocated for regional and multilateral solutions to tackle the challenges Solomon Islands, a complex fragile state and more in general the Pacific islands, faced from a financial stability perspective, due to the loss of corresponding banking relationships (CBRs), meeting with the FED and key development partners, working closely with the WB and ADB. Her previous assignments included senior desk work on Australia (G20), low-income countries (Moldova, The Gambia), including few Pacific Islands (Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, and Samoa), EMs (Albania, Algeria, Morocco, and Vietnam), accumulating experience on a wide range of countries (surveillance, G20, program, small, fragile, LICs, and EMs). She also worked for five years in SPR on trade policy, multilateral surveillance, and DSA framework. Her research papers have focused on enhancing macroeconomic resilience to climate change, challenges faced by low-income-countries and fragile states in dealing with loss of CBR, on fiscal frameworks, trade integration, corporate, banks’, and households balance sheet’s vulnerabilities, and more recently on big data, on data transparency and governance, and on measuring the impact of digitalization and the pandemic on inequality. While in STA, she led the IMF work of the first Strategy on Data and Statistics at the Fund endorsed by the Board in 2018 managing a Fund wide Taskforce of 40 members, liaising with many external stakeholders and organizing the first data Hackathon at the Fund, which included also Google, Bloomberg, Haver, IFIs, and academia. The Data Strategy introduced transformational changes in the data governance within the IMF, by giving the statistics department primary responsibility for data management, and mainstreamed the use of big data at the IMF.


Fluent In: French, Italian, Spanish.


2000: Ph.D., Economics and Finance, Università di Roma Tor Vergata

1996-97: Harvard University, Special Student, Department of Economics

1995: Post master level degree: Economics of Financial and Capital markets, Received a certificate with distinction.

1994: M.A., Economics, Coripe Piemonte, Turin, Italy,

1992: Laurea Summa Cum Laude, Università di Roma La Sapienza

Referee Activities:

Journal of Economic Integration

Current Position:

Division Chief for the Caribbean III Division and Mission Chief to Haiti

Country work or Mission Assignment:

Assistant Director, Mission Chief for Haiti, and Division Chief of Caribbean III, WHD

SDDS Plus Mission Chief for the UK, 2021-22, STA

SDDS Mission Chief for Saudi Arabia, 2017-19, STA

e-GDDS Mission Chief for Angola, 2018, STA

Solomon Islands Mission Chief, 2011-16, APD

Australia, 2009-11, Senior desk APD

Kiribati Mission Chief, 2010-11, APD

Samoa, July 2009-January 2010, Senior desk APD

Papua New Guinea, 2008-09, Senior desk, APD

Vietnam, 2006-08, Economist APD

The Gambia, 12/2004-6/2005, SPR (Ex post assessment)

Albania, 2003-05, SPR economist

Moldova, 2000-02, SPR economist

Morocco, 1999-2000, EP, MCD

Algeria, 6/1999-12/1999, EP MCD


Teaching assistant, Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata, Macroeconomics, Prof. Nicola Rossi

IMF Career:

October 2022-Present, Mission Chief for Haiti, Western Hemisphere Department

September 2016-22, Division Chief, Strategy, Standards and Review Division, Statistics Department

August 2011-16: Unit Chief, Small States Unit, Mission Chief for Solomon Islands, Asia and Pacific Department

February 2009–July 2011, Senior Desk Economist for Australia, Asia and Pacific Department

December 2009-July 2011, Mission Chief for Kiribati, Asia and Pacific Department

March 2008–March 2009, Senior Desk Economist for Papua New Guinea, Asia and Pacific Department

June 2005–February 2008: Vietnam Desk Economist, Asia and Pacific Department

2000-May 2005: Economist, Trade Policy Division, Policy Development and Review Department

1999: Economist Program, Desk for Algeria and Morocco, Middle Eastern Department


Ph.d.: Does the Equity Premium Matter? Social Security Reform Under Uncertainty

M.A.: The 1992-93 European Financial Crisis: The Role of Rational Expectations in Financial Markets

Laurea: The Monetary Policy of British India, 1852-1931, in Italian

Prof. Dale Jorgenson (

Field of Expertise:

Development Economics

Poverty and Inequality

Open Economy Macroeconomics

Macro-Financial Issues

International Trade

IMF Books and Working Papers:

Big Data on Vessel Traffic: Nowcasting Trade Flows in Real Time , Working Paper No. 19/275 , December 13, 2019

Strengthening Fiscal Frameworks and Improving the Spending Mix in Small States , Working Paper No. 15/124 , June 19, 2015

Enhancing Macroeconomic Resilience to Natural Disasters and Climate Change in the Small States of the Pacific , Working Paper No. 15/125 , June 19, 2015

Resilience and Growth in the Small States of the Pacific , Working Paper No. 13/123 , May 22, 2013

Global and Regional Spillovers to Pacific Island Countries , Working Paper No. 12/154 , June 01, 2012

What Drives House Prices in Australia? A Cross-Country Approach , Working Paper No. 10/291 , December 01, 2010

Australian Bank and Corporate Sector Vulnerabilities--An International Perspective , Working Paper No. 09/223 , October 01, 2009

Are Regional Trade Agreements in Asia Stumbling or Building Blocks? Some Implications for the Mekong-3 Countries , Working Paper No. 07/53 , March 01, 2007

Regional Trade Integration and WTO Accession: Which is the Right Sequencing? An Application to the CIS , Working Paper No. 05/94 , May 01, 2005

IMF Country Reports

Solomon Islands: 2016 Article IV Consultation and Fifth and Sixth Reviews Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands: Request for an Extension of the Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility; Press Release; and Staff Report

Solomon Islands: Fourth Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement.

Solomon Islands: Third Review Under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria—Staff Report; Press Release; and Statement by the Executive Director for Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands: Second Review Under the Standby Credit Facility and Request for a Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility—Staff Report; Staff Supplement; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Solomon Islands.

Solomon Islands: First Review Under the Standby Credit Facility and Request for Modification of Performance Criteria: Staff Report; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Solomon Islands

Solomon Islands : 2011 Article IV Consultation, Third Review Under the Stand-by Credit Facility, and Request for Arrangement Under the Stand-by Credit Facility: Staff Report; Staff Supplements; Public Information Notice and Press Releases; and Statement by the Executive Director for Solomon Islands.

Kiribati: 2011 Article IV Consultation-Staff Report, Informational Annexes, Debt Sustainability Analysis, Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion, and Statement by the Executive Director for Kiribati

Australia: Staff Report for the 2011 Article IV Consultation

Australia : 2010 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion

Fiscal Policy in Commodity Exporting Countries, Box 1.8 APD, 2010, Regional Economic Outlook

Australia : 2009 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; and Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion

Papua New Guinea: 2008 Article IV Consultation: Staff Report; Public Information Notice on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Papua New Guinea

"The Impact of High Food and Fuel Prices in Low-Income Asia: What Implications for Inflation, Poverty and Policies" Box 1.2, Asia and Pacific Department Regional Economic Outlook, November 2008

"Are Regional Trade Agreements in Asia Open or Closed Blocs?" Box 10, Asia and Pacific Department Regional Economic Outlook, May 2006

"Regional Trade Integration in Asia", Box 2, Asia and Pacific Regional Update, January 2006

Vietnam: 2007 Article IV Consultation-Staff Report; and Debt Sustainability Analysis, Country Report No. 07/387

Vietnam: 2006 Article IV Consultation - Staff Report; and Debt Sustainability Analysis, Country Report No. 06/421

The Gambia: Ex Post Assessment of Longer-Term Program Engagement

Albania: Fourth Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, Request for a Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion, and Financing Assurances Review

Albania: Third Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, Request for a Waiver of Nonobservance of Performance Criterion, and Financing Assurances Review

Albania: Second Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility

Global Monitoring Report 2004—Policies and Actions for Achieving the MDGs and Related Outcomes SM/04/91 (two trade policy chapters in collaboration with the World Bank)

Achieving the MDGs and Related Outcomes—A Framework for Monitoring Policies and Actions, EB/CW/DC/03/3 (trade policy chapters)

Republic of Moldova—Staff Report for the 2002 Article IV Consultation, First Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, and Request for Waiver of Performance Criteria,” Country Report 02/190 (Appendix I, Debt Sustainability Analysis)

IMF Occasional Papers, Pamphlets, and Special Issues Papers

Australia: Households Vulnerabilities, with Ben Hunt

Determinants of the Current Account and Exchange Rate Assessment for Papua New Guinea, Chapter II, Papua New Guinea: Selected Issues, IMF Country Report No. 09/113

"Vietnam’s WTO Accession: Challenges and Opportunities", Chapter I, Vietnam: Selected Issues, IMF Country Report No. 07/385.

Does Vietnam Overtrade with Its Neighboring Countries? A Regional Investigation Using a Gravity Model", Chapter II, Vietnam: Selected Issues, IMF Country report No. 06/20

What Drives Inflation in Vietnam? A Regional Approach, Chapter 1

IMF Survey Articles

IMF Survey: Australian, New Zealand Banks Remain Sound During Global Crisis

IMF Survey: High Food, Fuel Prices a Threat Where Protection Limited

IMF Survey: Noodle Bowl' Risk of Trade Pact Overlap

IMF Survey: Joining WTO Will Boost Vietnam's Economy

Regional Integration and WTO Accession: What's the Right Sequencing for the CIS? September 2005

Other Published Materials

Challenges in Correspondent Banking in the Small States of the Pacific, IMF Working Paper, WP/17/ 90; (also Chapter in the "Handbook of Small States, edited by Lino Briguglio, published in June 2020)

Interview to IMF Deputy Managing Director Min Zhu on Pacific Challenges ahead of the High-Level Conference in Samoa on Resilience.

What Do Ship Movements Tell us About International Trade? A Big Data Story

High-level dialogue on Enhancing Resilience to Natural Disasters and Workshop for Officials, Hosted by the IMF and the Government of Fiji, Nadi, Fiji, June 2015

High-Level Conference: THE PACIFIC WAY: Lifting Potential Growth in the Pacific Islands, Hosted by the IMF and the Government of Vanuatu, Port Vila, Vanuatu, November 2013

High-Level Conference on Pacific Island Countries on Fostering Inclusive Growth and Enhancing Resilience Hosted by the IMF and the Government of Samoa, Apia, Samoa, March 2012


Resilience and Growth In the Small States of the Pacific, editors, Patrizia Tumbarello, Hoe Ee Khor, and Roger Kronenberg, International Monetary Fund, 2016

Other Published Materials

Pension Systems in the Middle East and North Africa: A Window of Opportunity,(with Axel Börsch-Supan, and Robert Palacios, WB), 1998, University of Mannheim. Sonderforschungsbereich 504 Publications.

The Italian Pension Reform: A Case for Notional Accounts, Mimeo, 1997, Harvard University.

Pro-cyclicality of Maastrich Fiscal Criteria: A Critique, 1995, Università di Roma La Sapienza