Selected Issues Papers

A Financial Sector for the Economy of the Future: Oman

By Thomas Kroen

June 13, 2024

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Thomas Kroen. A Financial Sector for the Economy of the Future: Oman, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 2024) accessed December 21, 2024


Underpinned by Vision 2040, Oman aims to reduce its economic reliance on the hydrocarbon sector by diversifying its economy. Reforms are targeted to develop a well-diversified, private-led, sustainable, and inclusive economy where innovation and knowledge play a more prominent role. This requires the existence of a well-developed, inclusive, and stable financial sector that can navigate the country’s transformation and fund the new economy. As the economic transformation gains traction and entrepreneurship and innovation take center stage, Oman’s financial sector will face a more complex environment where it needs to develop innovative financial and risk management solutions to cater for the emerging and expanding financial needs of the different players in the economy. Against this background, this note provides an assessment of the development of Oman’s financial sector, identifies areas for potential improvement, and proposes policy actions to foster further financial development and inclusion.

Subject: International organization, Monetary policy

Keywords: Banking, Bond market, Capital markets, Financial market development, Oman, Yield curve

Publication Details

  • Pages:


  • Volume:


  • DOI:


  • Issue:


  • Series:

    Selected Issues Paper No. 2024/019

  • Stock No:


  • ISBN:


  • ISSN:
