True True 1 1 1 10 True False False Eswar Prasad Load More External debt | December 2023 China Stumbles but Is Unlikely to Fall Growth slows, risks abound, but economic and financial collapse can be avoided Eswar S. Prasad Fintech | September 2022 A New Era for Money As bytes replace dollars, euros, and renminbi, some changes will be welcome; others may not Eswar S. Prasad Financial markets | June 2022 Enduring Preeminence The US dollar might slip, but it will continue to rule Eswar S. Prasad Fintech | Podcast Eswar Prasad: The Future of Money When was the last time you used cash? In his latest book, Eswar Prasad looks at a world, not that far off, where using cash will no longer be an option. Eswar S. Prasad Currencies | June 2021 Monetary Meld A currency union encompassing all of West Africa promises benefits but faces a multitude of obstacles Eswar S. Prasad VERA SONGWE See Also Magazine Archives Country Focus Blogs