IMF Working Papers

Systemic Risks in Global Banking: What Available Data Can Tell Us and What More Data Are Needed?

By Eugenio M Cerutti, Patrick M. McGuire, Stijn Claessens

September 1, 2011

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Eugenio M Cerutti, Patrick M. McGuire, and Stijn Claessens. Systemic Risks in Global Banking: What Available Data Can Tell Us and What More Data Are Needed?, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 2011) accessed December 22, 2024
Disclaimer: This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF.The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to further debate


The recent financial crisis has shown how interconnected the financial world has become. Shocks in one location or asset class can have a sizable impact on the stability of institutions and markets around the world. But systemic risk analysis is severely hampered by the lack of consistent data that capture the international dimensions of finance. While currently available data can be used more effectively, supervisors and other agencies need more and better data to construct even rudimentary measures of risks in the international financial system. Similarly, market participants need better information on aggregate positions and linkages to appropriately monitor and price risks. Ongoing initiatives that will help in closing data gaps include the G20 Data Gaps Initiative, which recommends the collection of consistent bank-level data for joint analyses and enhancements to existing sets of aggregate statistics, and the enhancement to the BIS international banking statistics.

Subject: Banking, Commercial banks, Credit, Economic and financial statistics, Financial institutions, Financial statistics, Foreign banks, Foreign currency exposure, Money

Keywords: Asset, Balance sheet, Bank, Bank asset, Bank data, Bank nationality level, Bank sector, Banking system, BIS data, CBS track bank, Commercial banks, Contagion, Contagion scenario module, Counterparty bank, Credit, Data cover bank, Dollar funding, Exposure, Exposure data, Financial statistics, Foreign banks, Foreign currency exposure, Global, International, Parent bank, Reporting bank, Systemic risks, Vulnerabilities, WP

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    Working Paper No. 2011/222

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