Technical Assistance Annual Report 2021
November 16, 2021
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Technical Assistance Annual Report 2021, (USA: International Monetary Fund, 0) accessed December 22, 2024
The IMF’s Monetary and Capital Market Department Capacity Development Annual Report 2021 highlights the continued engagement with our member countries amid the COVID-19 pandemic. CD is the core of our financial sector work. We have assisted country authorities navigating challenging conditions for financial resilience, working across our core areas of financial regulation and supervision, crisis prevention and management, monetary and macroprudential policies, central bank operations, and public debt management. We continue to gear up our efforts in climate change, gender, and digitalization as these issues come to the fore for central banks, supervisors and debt managers. We focused on fragile and conflict-affected states and in low-income countries (LICs) and worked closely with surveillance and lending priorities and sequence. Maximizing the impact of our CD work hinges on our ability to deliver high quality, highly expert work in partnership with member countries, donors and other CD providers. The report features a series of case studies that illustrate how together we have done just that.
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MCM Technical Assistance Annual Reports
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