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Technical and Financial Services
Financial Services
Catastrophe Containment and Relief (CCR) Trust

Proposal to Establish a Resilience and Sustainability Trust — List of Eligible Members and Eligibility Criteria

1. The members on the list annexed to this decision as Attachment B are eligible to receive financing under the Resilience and Sustainability Trust (“RST-eligible members”) established by Decision 17231-(22/37).

2. The following criteria for entry and graduation shall, respectively, guide Executive Board decisions to add members to, and remove members from, the list of RST-eligible members (the “RST-eligibility list”) at reviews of RST eligibility:

a. Criteria for entry: A member will be added to the RST-eligibility list if its annual per capita gross national income (“GNI”) based on the latest available qualifying data is (a) less than ten times the International Development Association (“IDA”) operational cut-off; or (b) less than twenty-five times the IDA operational cutoff if the member has a population below 1.5 million.

b. Criteria for graduation: A member will be removed from the RST-eligibility list if its GNI (a) has been above (i) ten times the IDA operational cutoff or (ii) twenty-five times the IDA operational cutoff if the member has a population below 1.5 million, for at least the last five years for which qualifying data are available, (b) has not been on a declining trend in the same period (comparing the first and the last relevant annual data) and (c) based on the latest qualifying data, is at least ten percent above (i) ten times the IDA operational cutoff or (ii) twenty-five times the IDA operational cutoff if the member has a population below 1.5 million.

c. For the purposes of the criteria set forth in this paragraph, assessments of per capita GNI will normally be based on World Bank data using the ATLAS methodology, but other data sources may be used in exceptional circumstances, including data estimated by Fund staff in the absence of World Bank ATLAS data. Qualifying data for the purposes of the RST-eligibility criteria shall be data in respect of which the most recent observation relates to a calendar year that is not more than 30 months in the past at the time of the assessment.

3. Notwithstanding paragraph 2, any member that does not have an arrangement under the Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF) in effect can elect to opt out of the RST-eligibility list by notifying in writing the Fund of its decision to opt out. The removal of the member from the RST-eligibility list will be effective immediately upon the Fund’s receipt of the member’s written notification. Such written notification will be issued to the Executive Board for information. Once a member has opted-out, it would not be considered for inclusion onto the RST-eligibility list until a future review of RST eligibility and provided that the member communicated in writing to the Fund that it would like to be assessed against the criteria for entry set out in paragraph 2 at the next scheduled review of RST-eligibility.

4. Executive Board decisions to remove a member from the RSTeligibly list pursuant to the graduation criteria set forth in paragraph 2(b) of this decision shall become effective five months after their adoption (the “effectiveness date”), provided that such decisions shall not affect any RSF arrangements that are in existence as of the effectiveness date. Any such arrangement may continue until the expiration or other termination of the arrangement, and the arrangement may be extended or access under the arrangement may be augmented where appropriate in accordance with the applicable policies on extension or augmentation.

5. The criteria for entry and graduation set forth in this decision, and the RST-eligibility list, shall be reviewed and updated, respectively, on the basis of the then applicable criteria for entry and graduation three years after the RST becomes operational for lending. Thereafter, it is expected that the criteria for entry and graduation set forth in this decision as well as the RST eligibility list shall be reviewed and updated on the basis of the then applicable criteria in conjunction with the review of eligibility to use the Fund’s facilities for concessional financing set forth in Decision No. 14521-(10/3), January 11, 2010, as amended. However, decisions on RST eligibility may be adopted in the interim period between regular reviews:(i) for entry onto the RST-eligibility list by members that meet the entry criteria specified in paragraph 2(a) above, other than members that opted out under paragraph 3 above; and (ii) for reentry onto the RST eligibility list by members that had previously been removed from such list as a sanction for overdue obligations, so long as such a member at the time of re-entry does not meet the criteria for graduation specified in subparagraph 2(b) above. (SM/22/63, Sup. 3, 04/11/22)

Decision No. 17232-(22/37),

April 13, 2022

Attachment B

RST-Eligible Members1

Member PRGT Small State 2020 GNI per capita (USD) 2020 Population (thousands)
Afghanistan 1 0 500 38,928
Albania 0 0 5,210 2,838
Algeria 0 0 3,550 43,851
Angola 0 0 2,230 32,866
Antigua and Barbuda 0 1 14,250 98
Argentina 0 0 8,930 45,377
Armenia 0 0 4,220 2,963
Azerbaijan 0 0 4,450 10,110
Bahamas, The 0 1 27,780 393
Bangladesh 1 0 2,010 164,689
Barbados 0 1 14,460 287
Belarus 0 0 6,330 9,399
Belize 0 1 3,970 398
Benin 1 0 1,280 12,123
Bhutan 1 1 2,860 772
Bolivia 0 0 3,200 11,673
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0 0 6,090 3,281
Botswana 0 0 6,640 2,352
Brazil 0 0 7,850 212,559
Bulgaria 0 0 9,540 6,927
Burkina Faso 1 0 790 20,903
Burundi 1 0 270 11,891
Cabo Verde 1 1 3,060 556
Cambodia 1 0 1,490 16,719
Cameroon 1 0 1,500 26,546
Central African Rep. 1 0 510 4,830
Chad 1 0 660 16,426
China 0 0 10,610 1,402,112
Colombia 0 0 5,780 50,883
Iraq 0 0 4,660 40,223
Jamaica 0 0 4,620 2,961
Jordan 0 0 4,310 10,203
Kazakhstan 0 0 8,680 18,754
Kenya 1 0 1,760 53,771
Kiribati 1 1 3,010 119
Kosovo 0 0 4,440 1,775
Kyrgyz Republic 1 0 1,160 6,592
Lao RD.R. 1 0 2,480 7,276
Lebanon 0 0 5,510 6,825
Lesotho 1 0 1,100 2,142
Liberia 1 0 530 5,058
Libya 0 0 4,850 6,871
Madagascar 1 0 480 27,691
Malawi 1 0 580 19,130
Malaysia 0 0 10,580 32,366
Maldives 1 1 6,830 541
Mali 1 0 830 20,251
Malta 0 1 25,370 525
Marshall Islands 1 1 5,010 59
Mauritania 1 0 1,640 4,650
Mauritius 0 1 10,230 1,266
Mexico 0 0 8,480 128,933
Micronesia 1 1 4,010 115
Moldova 1 0 4,570 2,618
Mongolia 0 0 3,670 3,278
Montenegro, Rep. of 0 1 7,900 622
Morocco 0 0 2,980 36,911
Mozambique 1 0 460 31,255
Myanmar 1 0 1,260 54,410
Namibia 0 0 4,520 2,541
Nauru 0 1 16,630 11
Nepal 1 0 1,190 29,137
Nicaragua i 0 1,850 6,625
Niger 1 0 540 24,207
Nigeria 0 0 2,000 206,140
North Macedonia 0 0 5,720 2,083
Pakistan 0 0 1,280 220,892
Palau 0 1 16,500 18
Panama 0 0 11,880 4,315
Papua New Guinea 1 0 2,660 8,947
Paraguay 0 0 5,140 7,133
Peru 0 0 6,010 32,972
Philippines 0 0 3,430 109,581
Republic of Congo 1 0 1,830 5,518
Russian Federation 0 0 10,690 144,104
Rwanda 1 0 780 12,952
Samoa 1 1 4,070 198
Sao Tome and Principe 1 1 2,070 219
Senegal 1 0 1,430 16,744
Serbia 0 0 7,400 6,908
Seychelles 0 1 12,720 98
Sierra Leone 1 0 490 7,977
Solomon Islands 1 1 2,300 687
Somalia 1 0 310 15,893
South Africa 0 0 5,410 59,309
South Sudan 1 0 - 11,194
Sri Lanka 0 0 3,720 21,919
St Kitts and Nevis 0 1 17,400 53
St. Lucia 1 1 8,790 184
St. Vincent and the Gren. 1 1 7,340 111
Sudan 1 0 650 43,849
Suriname 0 1 5,510 587
Syria (2019 GNI) 1 0 1,170 17,501
Tajikistan 1 0 1,060 9,538
Tanzania 1 0 1,080 59,734
Thailand 0 0 7,050 69,800
Timor-Leste 1 1 1,830 1,318
Togo 1 0 920 8,279
Tonga 1 1 5,000 106
Trinidad and Tobago 0 1 15,410 1,399
Tunisia 0 0 3,100 11,819
Turkey 0 0 9,050 84,339
Turkmenistan 0 0 7,220 6,031
Tuvalu 1 1 5,820 12
Uganda 1 0 800 45,741
Ukraine 0 0 3,540 44,135
Uzbekistan 1 0 1,670 34,232
Vanuatu 1 1 2,780 307
Vietnam 0 0 2,660 97,339
Yemen 1 0 940 29,826
Zambia 1 0 1,190 18,384
Zimbabwe 1 0 1,090 14,863

Notes: GNI data based on data current as of October 2021. Andorra, San Marino, and Venezuela excluded due to missing GNI data.

1 Ed. Note: Table from page 46 of SM/22/63, Supplement 3.

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