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Consumption taxes:




Title: People’s Republic of China: Selected Issues

Series: Country Report No. 1996/041

Date: June 18, 1996

Notes: This report was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with this member country. In releasing this document for public use, confidential material may have been removed at the request of the member.

Subject: Consumption taxes Economic sectors Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems Public enterprises Revenue administration Taxes


Title: Do Taxes Matter for Long-Run Growth? Harberger's Superneutrality Conjecture

Author: Asea, K. Patrick ; Milesi-Ferretti, Gian ; Mendoza, G. Enrique

Series: Working Paper No. 1995/079

Date: August 1, 1995

Notes: This paper was prepared for a special issue of the Journal of Public Economics in honor of Arnold Harberger.

Subject: Consumption taxes Human capital Income and capital gains taxes Income tax systems Labor Revenue administration Taxes

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