Policy Papers

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April 20, 2012

Middle East and North Africa - Economic Outlook and Key Challenges - Deauville Partnership Ministerial Meeting

Description: Historic transitions in the Arab Spring countries are coming under increasing strain frommacroeconomic pressures and unmet social demands. Domestic uncertainty over the countries' future course, compounded by the global slowdown and rising oil prices, took a toll on growth during 2011. The outlook for 2012 and 2013 is equally challenging. The protracted political transition, lower global growth, and euro zone weakness are likely to result in a slow and drawn-out economic recovery, with unemployment at best stabilizing at high levels. Maintaining macroeconomic stability in this environment will be challenging, not least since policy buffers were reduced during 2011. Indeed, gross external and fiscal financing needs of MENA oilimporters are projected at about $93 and $103 billion, respectively, in 2012-13. With capital markets expected to provide only a small part of these funds, official financial support will be essential to allow countries to continue on their path toward economic transformation. But at the same time, countries need to make tangible progress on that path. This requires bold reform and modernization agendas that command broad consensus and are embedded in a sustainable medium-term macroeconomic policy framework to build confidence, anchor expectations, and pave the way for sustained and inclusive growth.

April 18, 2012

Quota Formula Review - Initial Considerations

Description: Executive Directors welcomed the opportunity to initiate discussions on the quota formula review, which is to be concluded by January 2013. They recalled that the agreement to conduct a comprehensive review of the formula was an integral part of the quota and governance reform agreed in 2010. Directors stressed the importance of agreeing on a quota formula that better reflects members’ relative positions in the global economy for future discussions on the 15th General Review of Quotas.

April 18, 2012

Managing Director's Action Plan to the International Monetary and Financial Committee

Description: As described in the latest Consolidated Multilateral Surveillance Report, policy actions in Europe and improving U.S. indicators have helped attenuate financial strains. But recent developments point to the fragility of the world economy and the need to come to grips with a formidable policy agenda. Among the challenges ahead are the immediate risks from a return of stresses in Europe and higher oil prices. Beyond that lie the risks from protracted low growth, too rapid fiscal consolidation in certain cases, deleveraging and uncertain medium-term policy frameworks in some key advanced countries. Many emerging markets may have to deal with inflation risks, elevated oil prices, the resurgence and volatility in capital inflows, and the consequences of extended credit booms. Delays in implementing global regulatory reforms also pose risks.

April 18, 2012

Managing Director's Consolidated Multilateral Surveillance Report to the International Monetary and Financial Committee

Description: After suffering a major setback, global prospects are gradually strengthening again. Improved activity in the United States and better policies in the euro area in response to the deepening economic crisis there have reduced the immediate threat of a sharp global slowdown. Weak recovery is likely to resume in the major advanced economies, and activity should remain relatively solid in emerging market and developing economies.

April 18, 2012

Progress Report on the Activities of the Independent Evaluation Office

Description: This report summarizes the activities of the Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) since the 2011 Annual Meetings. In this period, the IEO has advanced work on three ongoing evaluations: International Reserves: IMF Advice and Country Perspectives, The Role of the IMF as Trusted Advisor, and Learning from Experience at the IMF: An IEO Assessment of Self-Evaluation Systems. The IEO expects to submit these evaluations to the Executive Board over the course of the year. The IEO has begun consultations on topics for future evaluations and will present a tentative work program to the Executive Board for review in due course.

April 16, 2012

Enhancing Financial Sector Surveillance in Low-Income Countries - Financial Deepening and Macro-Stability

Description: This paper aims to widen the lens through which surveillance is conducted in LICs, to better account for the interplay between financial deepening and macro-financial stability as called for in the 2011 Triennial Surveillance Review. Reflecting the inherent risk-return tradeoffs associated with financial deepening, the paper seeks to shed light on the policy and institutional impediments in LICs that have a bearing on the effectiveness of macroeconomic policies, macro-financial stability, and growth. The paper focuses attention on the role of enabling policies in facilitating sustainable financial deepening. In framing the discussion, the paper draws on a range of conceptual and analytical tools, empirical analyses, and case studies.

April 16, 2012

Enhancing Financial Sector Surveillance in Low-Income Countries - Background Paper

Description: This note provides an overview of the literature on the challenges posed by shallow financial systems for macroeconomic policy implementation. Countries with shallow markets are more likely to choose fixed exchange rates, less likely to use indirect measures as instruments of monetary policy, and to implement effective counter-cyclical fiscal policies. But causation appears to work in both directions, as policy stances can themselves affect financial development. Drawing on recent FSAP reports, the note also shows that shallow financial markets tend to increase foreign exchange, liquidity management, and concentration risks, posing risks for financial stability

Also available in French

April 16, 2012

Enhancing Financial Sector Surveillance in Low-Income Countries - Case Studies

Description: This supplement presents ten case studies, which highlight the roles of targeted policies to facilitate sustainable financial deepening in a variety of country circumstances, reflecting historical experiences that parallel a range of markets in LICs. The case studies were selected to broadly capture efforts by countries to increase reach (e.g., financial inclusion), depth (e.g., financial intermediation), and breadth of financial systems (e.g., capital market, cross-border development). The analysis in the case studies highlights the importance of a balanced approach to financial deepening. A stable macroeconomic environment is vital to instill consumer, institutional, and investor confidence necessary to encourage financial market activity. Targeted public policy initiatives (e.g., collateral, payment systems development) can be helpful in removing impediments and creating infrastructure for improved market operations, while ensuring appropriate oversight and regulation of financial markets, to address potential sources of instability and market failures.

Also available in French

April 13, 2012

Provisional Agenda for the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee

Description: The following is the provisional agenda for the Twenty-Fifth Meeting of the International Monetary and Financial Committee, which is to be convened at the IMF's Headquarters in Washington, D.C. on April 21, 2012.

April 12, 2012

The Consolidated Medium-Term Income and Expenditure Framework

Description: This paper updates the consolidated income and expenditure outlook and the projected accumulation of precautionary balances over the medium-term. The paper incorporates and extends the income and budget projections in the companion papers; these projections are also in line with those discussed in the recent paper on the review of precautionary balances.

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